Every word you write is a vote towards becoming a writer

2 min readMar 20, 2020


This is me taking my first steps towards writing more often. I’ve been struggling to find the motivation to write. Every time I see that huge empty white screen in front of me, it feels like an insurmountable wall that I have to free solo. But as also someone who has been shy, introverted and lacking confidence, I’ve realized that the lack of motivation stems from fear of having nothing interesting to contribute and the fear of being judged by others. One of the things I’ve realized working from home during the lockdown is that it’s completely up to you to find the happiness and fight to not let others dictate what you do or don’t do. You don’t need any permission. This along with inspiration from one of my favorite books from 2019 — Atomic Habits, I’ve decided to write and cast my vote as often as possible on whatever I’ve been thinking about.

“Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your identity “ — James Clear, Atomic Habits

Be it a writer, artist, F1 driver or a better person regardless of who you want to be all you have to do is take baby steps and vote towards it. I’m ready to cast my votes in the write (right) direction! Are you?

