#3 Need for a Third Place!

2 min readMar 22, 2020

We all spend the majority of our time split between work and home. As work has gotten more hectic and the pressure of tight deadlines mounted, I started working from home in the evenings and over the weekends (not the healthiest of habits!). This steadily blurring line between home and work left me craving for an escape and eager to find a third place other than work and home. A novel place that gives me the chance to step out and escape the daily demands of life, a place where I read books, spend time on passion projects or coming up with whacky ideas. Cafes are my go-to third place and of late I’ve been a regular at Philz coffee. I have begun to cherish the time I spend there and look forward to my time there over the weekends and whenever I can squeeze it in during the week and come back energized and positive. With the Covid-19 situation requiring everyone to work from home that blurry line between work and home has been wiped clean! I realize even more now, how strong the need for a third-place is (well it should be a second-place I suppose, considering there’s only home now). I’ve been trying to experiment to replicate that third place at home. Tell me about your third place and your ideas on how to recreate that at home.

