#7 Are you a Gardener or an Architect?

3 min readMar 26, 2020

What’s your writing style and how does it apply to your life?

Now that I have a lot of additional time to kill (ahem invest in myself!). I have been spending time exploring and trying out things I’ve been meaning to get to but have been putting away with the intention of getting back to it at some point. Writing, being one of those things, is something I’ve been spending more of my time trying it out and learning more about. In that spirit, I started following a sci-fi/fantasy writing course taight by one of my favorite authors Brandon Sanderson. Apart from being a lot of fun, I’ve also gotten to learn a lot about the process and the different techniques authors use in their craft to produce their masterpieces.

In one of the lectures, I came across a very powerful topic about two major styles of writing that authors make use of — Discovery writing and Outline writing. Although it might be a simple thing, it was a new concept and I was captivated learning about the styles various famous authors followed and how they approached the process. Let me elaborate a bit more on what the two styles are:

Gardeners or Discovery writers tend to start with a strong idea or character in mind and keep building the stories as they go unearthing and discovering it one chapter at a time.

