#8 Nostalgia can be a powerful drug!

2 min readMar 27, 2020

Who said living in the past is bad for you, go ahead give it a shot, you’ll thank me later

Photo by Firdaus Roslan on Unsplash

There was a period not too long ago where I was constantly overwhelmed and emotionally drained from work on a worryingly regular basis, day after day spent working or under pressure from the moment I woke up till my head hit the pillow after having worked to the point of dropping. Although I enjoyed a lot of things I worked on and where I was headed from a professional career perspective I experienced lows and periods of not being motivated to do anything other than just lie down and binge the same shows on repeat. During one of these times, while searching for a saved video, as luck would have it I came across a music video playlist I had created on youtube ages ago during my undergrad years.

What started with one song ended up being a whole 3 hours of listening and reminiscing memories and all the powerful emotions both sad and happy related to experiences tied to my time in undergrad. I was transported back in time to the moments where I’ve listened to the songs on the playlist on a loop. At the end of it, I was left feeling blurry-eyed but weirdly rejuvenated and reenergized. That experience showed me the impact and power our past experiences and memories can have on us. What I also got from it was feeling optimistic about facing the challenges I was currently…

