Ingenious Growth Strategy for Companies and maybe for your professional life too!

Be the Problem and the Solution! What we can learn from great companies that create both the problem and the solution.

3 min readApr 7, 2020
Photo by Allie Smith on Unsplash

Here I was, on the verge of passing out after a long day, sitting and racking my brain for potential interesting topics to write about a few days ago when I came across this really interesting article on how Adobe built an AI tool to spot fake ( Photoshoped) images.

This wasn’t the first time I was reading about the tool, of course having read about it last year when the research paper was first published. Being an Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning enthusiast I was really excited to learn about how they had solved the problem, the algorithms used, accuracy, etc.

But another part of me was intrigued when I thought about the problem it was solving. Adobe and Photoshop is the market leader when it comes to image editing and creative software. Most of you have used it or at least heard of it. Maybe a lot of you downloaded the “free version” from the internet (come on admit it!). It’s an amazing software powering a lot of image processing, creative agencies, artists and indie creators. And not to forget maker of fake photos! In fact, it is such a popular use…

