Five Bullet Sunday

Here’s my list of interesting reads, podcasts, videos, and products I came across this week. P.S the heading is inspired by Tim Ferris’s newsletter!

2 min readApr 5, 2020
Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

Short read I found interesting :

The Restorative Power of Rituals

→ Rituals are a mechanism for managing stress and emotions and a way for us to cope with the anxiety and grief produced by the pandemic

Fun read that won me some bonus points with friends :

How to host the perfect virtual remote game night

→ The title says it all! Virtual game nights are in rage in these trying times. Here’s a detailed article outlining steps to organize a killer virtual game night!

Podcast I enjoyed this week :

a16z Podcast — Navigating the Numbers

→ Industry leaders share advice on how investors look at businesses. How they think about the different financial statements and metrics.

→ How company leaders can navigate the company to safety and mistakes to avoid in these challenging times

Meme I really liked :

Freeride Skiing at Home — Philipp Klein Herrero

