Sneak Peak Look Into the Future of Modern Day Work: RPA

Brainvire Infotech
2 min readMar 1, 2017


A few years ago, the industrialization has just entered in the activities to spark a subversive approach, uniquely. And this is the time when businesses are getting their hands on the complete industrialization through the technical resolution

RPA (Robotic Automation Process): What EXACTLY is it?

Robotic process automation (RPA) is the application of technology that allows employees in a company to configure computer software or a “robot” to capture and understand current applications for processing a business, shaping data, triggering responses and corresponding with other digital systems.

RPA Structure: Let’s dig a little further

To several the repetitious and monotonous task like data entries into the system, rather of a human, the software robot going to take care of this change of data into the system. This is only one example. It is more quick and effective in terms of processing the unchanged task that is carried out by enterprise regularly.It facilitates all the communication like a human with the entire system as well as with the different systems. It has brought a major concept of “workforce Virtualization” to the ground to explain the suggestion of technology.

The Data and Value driven approach:

Starting from daily data entries to the managed data and information track sheet, the newly interjected level of AI, RPA is the biggest influencer. Rather occupy the human force into easy task such as data entries; the robotic mechanization process enables the planned requirement of human in other activities such as analysis, decision making, strategy development and judgmental consultation of work across the company. Read More….



Brainvire Infotech

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