Impact of Technology on HR Practices

Brain Waugh
4 min readAug 20, 2018


Technology has a great impact on the way Human Resource departments work these days. With technology the HR departments are using new methods to contact candidates, employees and their clients, in fact, even for document storages and employee productivity evaluation and performances processes have changed to a great extent reducing the manual work. Technology has turned HR practices to be more efficient and optimised. There are many ERP & Orange HRMS development Companies that provide you with customised solutions based on your company’s requirement.

~ Transformation in Recruitment process
Before the internet and email, contacting applicants was done via letter, personal interview and over the telephone. There were not many options left for them. While in current time, organisations are using multiple platforms to share their openings, and applicants can apply through their online portal or career page from where they can track all applications. It optimises the time an HR spends on a paper resume and personal calls.

Yet, these HR practices don’t consider how helpful technology is for job seekers. Portal forms have standard formats making it difficult to identify if the job seeker is a perfect fit for the job or not. Technology gives an advantage to not only optimise your time and efforts but it also increases productivity if designed well. A badly designed system that is slow and has low response time might actually turn away a fit applicant from the organization.

~ Ease Of communication
Human Resource department is all about communicating effectively with employees, through Messaging apps, texting or emailing as it makes it is easier than staying in contact with all employees. If a team manager wants to share new updates related to a project with the project team, it can be done easily by attaching details and sending emails to the entire team via Slack. It saves times and people, knows what needs to be discussed in the next meeting. They can also keep their questions ready to save time and enhance productivity.

~ Data Analysis
Performance and appraisal is not a very easy task. It took to much of your time when you were analysing an employee based on discussion with Manager or supervisor for each of their team member. It depends on personal assessment and apparent standards: Delivery of task on time? Dependability? Etc. Technology makes it simple and easy to get details and analyse data for an overall picture. Using a software program for such activities can reduce your work and can take over most of the process for evaluating the performance of an individual once details are entered in the software by the manager and/or subordinates.

~ Documentation
Unlike before where HR used to have a file on each employee which is then kept in the storage place where all files are kept, today everything is stored in the software where the information can be accessed in a single click on your computer. There many companies that opt for SAP, ERP software development or Orange HRMS that give you the liberty to store employee data in a single location and can also be password protected. Digital Data is accessible across the globe so no need to have a paper copy every time to get data (Save Paper Save Tree!! Go Green). At the same time, best HR practices have to include security for the digital data. HR needs to have good policies in place, though, governing who can have to access such confidential information, of both forms.

~ Too Much Data
Usually, HR makes use of data collection and analysis more, knowing this the employee may feel that their privacy is been hacked or their data is not secure. If a company monitors the employees through the security cameras, it gives them the advantage to find out about any kind of harassment or misbehaviour in the office. At the same time being monitored continuously can alienate the employee.

HR department may end up with another risk of managing more data, after a certain point, it will become impossible to pick out the most relevant material of the one that has been stored. By this, it may also happen HR may misread data or may make an assumption that in-person discussion can clear things up.

Gathering more data is not a good practice, good HR practice involve how much should be gathered and how much data is relevant.

Future of HR Technology
With the technological penetration in the HR industry, it is expected that companies may adopt Machine Learning and Data Analytics. It is imperative that jobs will become more technical, the expertise will keep getting accessible. Recruitment and employee management software solution may become master through machine learning. There will always need for easy-understand, accessible and super-built tech solutions which can solve painful areas of the HR manager.

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Brain Waugh

Working for 9series Solutions (htts:// Expert in Sales & Marketing loving sharing info on latest technologies.