How to create a blank HTML page?

Brajagopal Tripathi
2 min readOct 4, 2023


Photo by Amza Andrei on Unsplash

To create a blank HTML page, you can use any text editor, such as Notepad, TextEdit, or Visual Studio Code.

  1. Open your text editor and create a new file.
  2. Save the file with a .html extension.
  3. In the file, type the following code:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My Blank HTML Page</title>

This code is the basic structure of an HTML page. The <!DOCTYPE html> declaration tells the browser that the document is an HTML document. The <html> and </html> tags enclose the entire HTML document. The <head> and </head> tags contain information about the document, such as the title. The <body> and </body> tags contain the content of the document, which is what the user will see when they open the page.

  • Save the file and open it in a web browser. You should see a blank page with the title “My Blank HTML Page”.

You can now start adding content to your page by adding elements to the <body> tag. For example, you could add a heading, some paragraphs of text, or an image.

Here is an example of a simple HTML page with some content:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My HTML Page</title>
<h1>This is my HTML page!</h1>
<p>This is some text on my page.</p>
<img src="image.jpg" alt="My image">

When you open this page in a web browser, you should see a heading that says “This is my HTML page!”, followed by some text and an image.

You can learn more about HTML by visiting the W3Schools HTML tutorial.



Brajagopal Tripathi

Student of Computer Application and Network Administration || Cloud Technology and Cyber Security Enthusiast