How to create an automatic download link in HTML?

Brajagopal Tripathi
1 min readSep 2, 2023


Photo by Pankaj Patel on Unsplash

To create an automatic download link in HTML, you can use the <a> tag with the download attribute. The href attribute specifies the URL of the file you want to download. The download attribute tells the browser to download the file instead of opening it in the browser.

For example, the following code creates an automatic download link for a PDF file:


<a href="" download>Download File</a>

You can also specify a custom filename for the downloaded file by setting the download attribute to the desired filename. For example:


<a href="" download="MyFile.pdf">Download File</a>

Here is an example of how to create an automatic download link for a PDF file in HTML:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Automatic Download Link</title>
<a href="" download="MyFile.pdf">Download File</a>

When a user clicks on this link, the PDF file will be downloaded to their computer.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.



Brajagopal Tripathi

Student of Computer Application and Network Administration || Cloud Technology and Cyber Security Enthusiast