More Bots on ADAMANT: Stay Tuned, Play & Find

Yan Brale
3 min readJul 22, 2019


Not long after the first chatbot appeared on ADAMANT, I’ve been noticed that there are actually more bots being developed — for completely different purposes, by the completely different devs group.

Instead of making their first chatbot an exchange, Vovan’s Team decided to start with launching three bots, which I found not less interesting. All of them seem nice and useful — perhaps you’ll find one to keep on the top of your chat list for a longer or shorter time.

Rates on Alarm

You’ve probably seen tons of tweets, messages, and articles dedicated to some coins rates changes and predictions. Do you like stuff like that? As for me, sometimes it makes the feed literally unreadable and boring, especially if you’re not an active trader or you simply don’t want to pass the most important market changes. For this, in order to save time and stop reading junk worrying about the price, take a look at the first bot presented.

It is a nicely-designed alarm bot — it alarms you on anything you’d like to know about the market.

Oracle doesn’t say when it will happen. Oracle says when it’s time.

Available to start via U1058290473014173876. Although you can already use it, bots are still in the dev stage — there are a lot of things to add and improve. Hopefully, its devs will make it out soon, as we all know what attracts crypto lovers the most.

So Heads or Tails?

The next thing is about to take all the gamblers from TRON-based tables into chats. Heads or Tails within ADAMANT is an especially interesting implementation of a betting game: with instant results and the limited amount of ADM to stake. Within a messenger, it’s kinda nice to watch the playing progress.

Find this guy at U56492759522121964. I think because the bot is young and its balance didn’t reach any highs yet, the bet max. limit is only 30 ADM. Wouldn’t it be cool to raise the amount a few tens of times?

What Pool to Dive in?

As you probably know, there are many public pools forging for ADAMANT’s blockchain. But it’s never easy to be up-to-date what are their terms, limits, or web-page for stats. Now the issue is nicely solved, among with other important stuff — introducing the info bot.

It’ll show you all the beauties of ADAMANT… or at least a few pools near the hotel.

Find any info of such type here — U16009208918899676597. This bot could be one of the most important information channels on the messenger. I’d only recommend to keep it up-to-date and work on more commands to perform.

These three chatbots brought some very cute and timesaving goods to users and to me personally. I will definitely stay excited about what improves and introductions from Vovan’s Team we could see next—a rare feeling of surprise when you’re working on a core.

