
Andreea Wade
3 min readSep 5, 2016


Our robots are live. We’ve just pushed opening.io into existence.

It has been some journey for us, the founders, from working 20 hours a day on two full-time jobs, collapsing in bathroom cubicles, barely making it to where nobody could see us… before picking ourselves up again, to committing to this full-time and saying goodbye to a monthly wage and all the security that comes with employment… to this. This moment when we pushed it all live.

But before you get your violin out, we’re good. Entrepreneurship is harsh and it shouldn’t be romanticised. I feel the need — more and more, of late — to stress this point. Years of volunteering in the tech community, be it by organising events, creating new groups and spaces of learning, mentoring in all the major incubators and accelerators in Ireland but also in London, Berlin and Tel Aviv, speaking in secondary schools about technology and science or by serving on the board of organisations that have been supporting diversity within STEM… or just meeting people for coffee and lending some of my thoughts, all these have brought me in front of makers and builders, people who were at various stages of putting their ideas into action. All good, creative, hard working people.

Linking good people with good people has always been an area of interest. This is the catalyst for Opening. But I won’t sell it to you. I won’t talk about the products or the features, I won’t even mention the vision. This post is not for that.

But we do have an ask or two. If you do look us up and you like what you see or find it interesting, please share the news of our launch. You could share the Website, the Twitter handle (the official hashtag is #OpeningOpening), the Playground (where you can play with our tech without using the actual product) or, if you are a techie, you might even find our Architecture interesting and of use or you might want to ask us questions. We have an engineering Slack channel, do join it, we are friendly. And many thanks in advance.

You might find the Playground interesting: it’s a space where you can test our technology without using our products. If you write code for a living you can even upload your resume and see how it compares against a job of your choice or get your average market salary prediction (based on Irish market figures). We don’t do training on this data by the way and you can delete it straight away — and when it’s gone, it’s gone. :) Equally, you could be a recruiter. Feel free to play, we won’t use the data you upload in this space.

Or you might just want to email the founders.

Happy Monday.

Andreea, #OpeningOpening

