Project Brand Binary: Original Apple iPhone 11 with anti-counterfeit labels & instant QR-Code based verification in Pakistan.

Brand Binary
7 min readDec 23, 2019


Brand Binary’s unique offering, which integrates custom made anti-counterfeit labels with powerful verification & analytics platform, is now supplying security labeling & instant verification solution for original Apple products packaging in Pakistan.

The solution provides Apple iPhone, iPad & MacBook retailers and customers the satisfaction that the products are original and compliant by local regulatory authority. The solution consists of a physical anti-counterfeit security label with a unique serial number, hidden PIN and a unique QR Code for instant verification. The solution clearly distinguishes itself from the counterfeits.

By providing quality and security assurance for the consumer, manufacturer and government, this technology is efficient, tamper-proof and user-friendly and seeks to put a stop to counterfeit and unsafe products by ensuring that when a customer buys an Apple product in Pakistan marked with Brand Binary supplied security labeling, they are being assured that they are purchasing something that is a genuine Apple product.

When a customer buys a new Apple product in Pakistan, including an iPhone, MacBook or iPad they simply need to scan the QR code provided and type the unique, corresponding PIN code on to the brand owner’s category page in Brand Binary platform. Once the unique PIN code has been entered in the website, it will display the verification information for the customer and provide them with instant confirmation and peace of mind that their product is authentic.

Apple iPhone 11 Box Instant QR Code Scan View in Pakistan
Apple iPhone 11 Box Instant QR Code Verification View in Pakistan

Why do brand owners need secure packaging?

Brand Binary’s unique secure packaging service works to protect consumers who are living in countries where unregulated and counterfeit products continuously cause financial and health issues and sometimes even promote human rights violations. When brands choose to work with us, they are ensuring that the safe and quality products associated with their brand name are made consistently available to consumers in countries where a huge risk of inadvertently purchasing an unregulated or counterfeit product exists.

Brand Binary’s solution to this issue is presented in the form of a digital verification system that is QR code, Whatsapp based verification and SMS too. It brings with it the power to help regulate products in sensitive industries including in the food, cosmetics, technology and pharmaceutical sectors.

The crucial element of a product like the one Brand Binary has developed, in a market like Pakistan, is that it provides not only peace of mind to the consumer that their product is authentic, but it also provides evidence that the product is compliant with the government’s strict regulations on imported goods; in particular, mobile phones.

Now, with Brand Binary’s new technology, which is used by both the government and authorised manufacturers, distributors can be assured that they are passing on the most high level of service to their customers who are seeking protection against illegal goods and remaining compliant with the government’s stringent regulations around these products.

How does it work?

Every compliant Apple iPhone & iPad product imported in Pakistan product will now feature a unique QR code on its packaging generated by Brand Binary. This unique QR code will store visual and written information about the product, which will be available to the customer.

Using any freely available QR code scanning app, the consumer may scan the code that is printed on their product’s packaging.

Upon scanning, the user will be provided with instant verification if their product is authentic, as well as any information that is relevant to that particular product.

In the case of WhatsApp or SMS verification packaging, the system will work in a similar manner, which means the customer can instead send a WhatsApp or an SMS message containing the PIN code of their product to a dedicated phone number mentioned on the label. This can be automatically done by scanning the QR code. They will then be provided with an authentication if the PIN code they have supplied matches correctly and details of the product.

What’s in it for the brand owner or distributor?


Brand Binary Scan Analytics & Demographics View

Brand Binary’s big data platform offers deep analytics and opt-in data about consumers scanning the QR code.

A brand owner knows about their market strength when:

  • Consumers provide their feedback.
  • They see their estimated sales volume based on location.
  • They learn about their consumer demographics.
  • They directly chat with their customers via WhatsApp.
  • They are able to instantly incentivize them directly with Gift Vouchers or Raffle Draw entries, removing any middle-man (PR Agencies) hence saving costs and increase brand loyalty.
  • And repeat all of the above in hundreds of different fully customisable campaigns — all on Brand Binary.

What people are talking about?

With the launch of the iPhone 11 taking place recently, Brand Binary’s secure labeling, which requires the customer to scan their phone’s unique QR code to verify authenticity of the product, has caught the attention of some of Pakistan’s biggest celebrities.

Mahira Khan, Maria Memon, Wasim Akram and Hareem Farooq were all among those who promoted their new iPhone purchases on Instagram informing their combined 7.6 million followers to the QR code verification technology that has assured them of the authenticity of the products.

These trusted celebrities and brands have helped to spread the information about the launch of official PTA approved iPhone 11 in Pakistan and informing their followers to scan the QR Code sticker for verification.

By normalising the use of secure packaging, consumers will not settle for products where they cannot confirm the authenticity of their purchase and technology that allows the customer to instantly verify the legitimacy of their product will become common place. This, in turn, will help to stamp out unsafe, counterfeit products that do a disservice to brands and consumers equally.

About Brand Binary.

Brand Binary is the world’s only platform offering brand owners, FMCG & Luxury manufacturers, Government regulatory agencies, label/packaging printers and PR Agencies a full suite of services that enables them to create an engaging customer engagement, product verification and government compliance solution through contactless technologies.

Through the adoption of Brand Binary’s services, we are able to satisfy the needs and objectives of government, manufacturers and consumers by providing online monitoring and tracking, simplifying the implementation of regulations, deterring the production of counterfeit products, increasing the level of trust for locally made products and protecting consumer’s rights.

At Brand Binary, we have found that our services are particularly useful for brands who were grappling with who their customer base truly was, but we were able to work a solution to this problem into our product. At the Authentication stage of the security label, Brand Binary gathers opt-in customer data and is then able to provide deep analytics sourced from this data and relay it back to the brand owners to help them make informed strategic decisions.

Some of our clients have also expressed a gap in their business operations where visibility over product movement was concerned. We have been able to resolve this problem by developing and implementing a custom Track & Trace Module that helps brand owners and manufacturers to track their products’ origin, destination and if they are being used in an unauthorized market. Due to each QR code containing information about the associated product, including batch number, expiry date and the origin of the product, our introduction of this method has been able to help to eliminate smuggling and ‘gray’ shipments, particularly where medicinal products are concerned. This system employs touch points with not just the manufacturer and brand owner, but also with government agencies who are regulating these industries.

Brand Binary is the only system in the world that offers API connections to product manufacturers to generate billions of unique QR Codes to print directly onto their packaging. Refer to P2P (Platform To Print) solution for more details.

Does your department need help achieving efficient standards for monitoring regulated industries?

Does your brand need assistance in putting a stop to the production and sale of illegal and unsafe counterfeit products that are damaging your brand’s reputation?

Brand Binary is here to help.

By assessing your regulatory framework, web service interface, available APIs, the quantity of codes needed, your expected timeline and previous similar projects we can tailor a solution that gives your brand visibility over your supply chain and customer base as well as ensuring compliance with government regulations.

#ProductVerification #Anti-Counterfeit #BigData #OriginaliPhone #Apple #Pakistan #BrandBinary #CustomerEngagement #Analytics #SecurityLabel #Anti-CounterfeitLabel #InstantVerificationLabel #Australia #iStorePakistan #iPad #MacBook #Samsung #FMCG #SmartLabel #BrandProtection

Disclaimer: This article is neither endorsed by Apple, nor claims Apple to be its direct client and neither Apple has directly procured the above solution from Brand Binary. Brand Binary works with many authorised distributors of principal brands who may or not be aware of technologies the distributors use to achieve their market objectives.



Brand Binary

Brand Protection, Customer Engagement, Regulatory Compliance, Instant Verification Platform