5 Ways to Rethink your Business Right Now

Brandi Bernoskie
4 min readMar 17, 2020


We may wish it could be business as usual, but it’s not. Nothing is usual about what’s happening in the world right now with coronavirus. Many shops, restaurants, and businesses are closing temporarily, potentially leaving workers without incomes. People are self-quarantining or just staying home, left to wonder what’s going to happen next.

First, I know there’s a lot of uncertainty and fear going on right now. I’ve felt it too at times, particularly as I stepped into the grocery store to do my weekly food shopping and couldn’t get some of the essentials I need (let’s just say, I’m VERY particular about my brand of milk). That’s minor in comparison to what others are experiencing. But there’s a lot of hope too right now. You get to choose how you want to live.

I’m very fortunate that the website development agency I founded is already remote so my team is focusing on being supportive of each other, particularly for those who have children home from school. As much as possible, we’re engaged in business on a daily basis and finding ways to support our clients.

This virus is going to undoubtedly change how some of us do business. There are risks and there may be losses. Large events and gatherings are being postponed or going virtual. People may not travel for a few weeks or a few months. But there are also incredible opportunities now as well, particularly when it comes to what we’ve been doing online.

Digital presence is already important to business owners. Websites are a crucial part of every business. But websites are only the beginning.

It’s time to start thinking about the digital experience we create in new ways. Some of our clients have been building online communities, which will undoubtedly thrive in the coming weeks.

More than ever, the digital experience you need to provide will need to be dialed in. Just having a website isn’t enough anymore. People are going to get even smarter in the coming months. They’re going to seek communities and connections in ways they may never have before. They will grow tired of the gimmicks and tactics that used to work and seek out real authentic leaders to follow and learn from, people who they feel guided by.

Here are my 5 biggest tips for rethinking — and evolving — your business in 2020:

  1. Use your voice. If you’ve had your head down because you’ve been doing the work (I’m certainly guilty of this), it’s time to look up, stand up, and use your voice. Create content and programs and communities that help people make sense of the world they’re in and remind them what’s possible when we come together. Remind them that social distancing doesn’t mean social isolation, especially in this digital age.
  2. Guide people through the journey. Help them understand what steps they need to take to reach out to you and work with you. Make it easy for them to engage with your ideas and get what support they need. Adding all the links in your navigation bar is going to feel even more chaotic to website visitors in the coming weeks. Narrow the focus and show people the steps, and reassure them with focused, targeted content.
  3. Get creative. Use your superpowers, whatever they are. Be willing to pivot and try different things. Be a leader, be a connector, be generous. Ask what your clients and customers need and devise solutions.
  4. Elevate your digital presence. Create as much consistency across the platforms you’re on as there would be if someone met you in person repeatedly. That means it’s time to uplevel your branding, clean up your website, get rid of those poorly-designed funnels, and consider what people experience of you and your business online. Technology can be distancing or it can be extremely humanizing, depending upon how you use it.
  5. Reach out for support. Connect with friends, engage in the supportive communities you’re part of. I think it’s critical we all have coaches and confidantes during this time as we bounce around new ideas and make decisions. I’m here for you too — please email me if you need business or technology support, or want to rethink your digital experience.

This experience will be what we make of it. We can see it as an opportunity, as a call to evolve, as a way to ask ourselves how we’re using technology and how we’re connecting…or we can fight the changes happening around us and live in fear.

What we need most to remember is how resilient we are. If you’re here reading this, you’ve gotten through all of your difficult days. And you’ll get through these as well.

How are you rethinking your business and pivoting amid coronavirus concerns and changes?



Brandi Bernoskie

Entrepreneur + owner of https://alchemyandaim.com. Business Strategist. Certified StoryBrand Guide. #Alchemist. Speaker. #Redhead. Be awesome. #aimsteady