Watchmen : 2009

Brandi Yount
4 min readJan 31, 2019

Starring: Jackie Earle Haley, Malin Akerman, Billy Crudup, Matthew Goode, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Patrick Wilson, and Carla Gugino.

Zack Snyder takes a DC story and gives us what we wish every other DC movie would. Quality. This film is phenomenal. Set in the 80s (it goes back and forth between past events in different years and the current story in…85 I believe) in a world where masked heroes exist, Nixon is president, the Cold War is at it’s peak, and nuclear war is on the horizon for real, the last group of Watchmen are being targeted by an unknown assailant.

The Watchmen have disbanded and have been trying to live normal lives…except for Rorshach (JEH). After Comedian (JDM) is killed by said assailant, Rorshach believes all masks are being hunted and killed. He warns Night Owl (PW), Silk Spectre (MA), Dr. Manhattan (BC), and Ozymandias (MG). The audience is then treated to character back stories, threats of nuclear war, and a third act reveal that probably shocked/destroyed many. Let’s get into the pros and cons!


  • The opening credits. This is probably, in my opinion, one of THE BEST opening credit scenes ever. I mean, ever. Particularly the Kent State fiasco (pictured above) and Comedian killing Kennedy.
  • The cinematography in this film is great. It truly is a beautiful movie to watch.
  • The color and lighting does a near perfect job setting the tone and style. Snyder apparently had a very clear picture of what he wanted this film to look/feel like.
  • The acting. ESPECIALLY Jackie Earle Haley. He steals the show throughout most of the run time. If Rorshach doesn’t end up being your favorite character, that surprises me a little. I mean, personally, he and Comedian are tied for me… but still.
  • DC needs to give films like this another shot. I know they still have access to Zack Snyder.. So basically, quit getting involved and let him make a damn movie! Give the “studio meddling” a break already!
  • The score. Just…the score.
  • The fight scenes are choreographed very well. Props to the stunt coordinator!
  • For a non-horror film, the blood/gore is a nice touch. It isn’t over used or excessive. But when it is used, it’s GREAT.
  • The shot in the prison of Rorshach going into the men’s room to kill Big Figure.. The door swinging back and forth, slowly blocking our view of what is happening inside.. followed by just the blood running out from under the door… ugh. Yes.
  • The scene when the original Night Owl is attacked and begins having flashbacks of his old enemies.
  • Rorshach “I’m not locked in here with you. You’re locked in here with me!”


  • The only problem I have with the acting is Malin Akerman. She is by no means a bad actress. Actually, I quite enjoy her. I just didn’t quite think she was on the same level as the rest of the cast.
  • Maybe this is just me being stupid.. but when Silk Spectre’s (CG) husband says “guy tries to rape you and a few years later you let him finish the job?” Does he mean Comedian succeeded in raping her later on? Or that she had consensual sex with him? I’m assuming sex.. But for some reason that line just never sat right with me.
  • The Vietnamese woman that slices Comedian’s face after he tells her he’s leaving her and the baby, she seems almost surprised that he fights back. When he pulls his pistol, her face is almost shocked. Did you not think he was going to be FURIOUS about that?
  • Why does Comedian join the second group of Watchmen if he thinks they are useless anyway?
  • I know Manhattan was mad during his live interview.. But instead of vaporizing everyone there, why not just teleport HIMSELF somewhere else and not kill anyone?

For anyone that has seen Watchmen, please please PLEASE give your opinions in the comments! Remember, the whole point of NADFP is community. We are a group of cinema lovers, here to TALK ABOUT CINEMA! Talk with us!! For those who haven’t seen this film, it’s on Netflix currently…so you have no excuse. ;) Seriously, though. If you haven’t seen it, hop on Netflix and give it a watch. It is 100% worth it.

I give this film a “Go Out & Buy It”. It’s just that good. I also give it a…7.5/10. While great, there are other films I enjoy more and will rewatch more often. One last time, go watch Watchmen!

“Who watches the Watchmen?”

