The Importance of Transparency During Incidents

4 min readSep 25, 2023



In the dynamic world of software engineering, where code bugs and unexpected issues are par for the course, one key principle stands tall: transparency during incidents. This article explores the profound importance of transparency, especially in the context of engineering-caused incidents. With a focus on observability, monitoring, and real-life case studies, we’ll delve into how transparency in incident management communication can be a game-changer for your organization.

The Bedrock of Trust

Transparency, in the context of incident management communication, refers to openly and honestly sharing accurate information about an incident, its scope, impact, and the actions being taken to address it. This transparent approach serves as the bedrock upon which trust is built. Here’s why transparency is indispensable:

Builds Trust

Transparency is a cornerstone of trust. When organizations communicate openly and honestly about incidents, stakeholders, including customers, employees, investors, and the public, are more likely to trust their actions and decisions. Trust is the currency of reputation, and maintaining it is vital.

Enhances Credibility

Organizations that candidly acknowledge incidents and communicate their efforts to resolve them enhance their credibility. This credibility becomes a valuable asset during times of crisis, as stakeholders are more likely to believe and support the organization’s response.

Mitigates Speculation

Without clear and honest communication, speculation, rumors, and misinformation can run rampant. Transparent communication helps control the narrative and prevents the spread of false or damaging information. This is crucial for managing public perception.

Engages Stakeholders

Transparent communication actively engages stakeholders. When organizations communicate openly, they signal that they value the input and concerns of stakeholders. This engagement can lead to valuable insights and solutions during incident management.

Incident Communication Channels

To achieve transparency in incident management communication, organizations must employ appropriate channels that facilitate effective and honest information sharing. Here are some incident communication channels:

Public Statements and Press Releases

For incidents that have a significant impact on the organization or the public, issuing public statements and press releases is paramount. These documents should provide a comprehensive overview of the incident, actions taken, and the organization’s future steps. They are crucial for shaping external perception.

Internal Communication

Transparent communication should extend internally within an organization. Employees should be kept informed about incidents that may affect their work, safety, or overall well-being. Regular updates through emails, intranet postings, and team meetings ensure that everyone is on the same page and aligned with the organization’s response.

Social Media

Social media platforms serve as powerful tools for incident communication. They offer real-time updates and provide a direct avenue for engaging with the public. However, organizations must use social media responsibly, ensuring that information is accurate and concerns are addressed promptly.

Dedicated Incident Communication Portals

Establishing dedicated incident communication portals on the organization’s website can centralize information and updates for stakeholders. These portals should be user-friendly, regularly updated, and include key details, such as incident status, safety instructions, and contact information.

Email and Newsletters

Email notifications and newsletters can be used to provide detailed updates to subscribers and interested parties. These channels allow for direct communication with individuals who have opted to receive information, ensuring that they stay informed.

Hotlines and Helplines

In certain incidents, setting up hotlines or helplines can provide affected parties with direct access to information and support. These channels demonstrate the organization’s commitment to addressing concerns and providing assistance when needed.

Best Practices for Transparent Incident Communication

To ensure transparency during incidents, organizations should adhere to the following best practices:

Establish a Clear Communication Plan

Develop a comprehensive incident communication plan that outlines roles, responsibilities, and communication protocols. This plan should be readily available and easily accessible to all relevant stakeholders.

Provide Regular Updates

Keep stakeholders informed with regular updates, even if there is no significant change in the incident’s status. Consistent communication demonstrates the organization’s commitment to transparency and keeps stakeholders engaged.

Acknowledge Mistakes

If the organization is at fault for the incident, acknowledge it openly and take responsibility. Honesty is key to rebuilding trust, and admitting mistakes is a crucial step in the process.

Use Clear and Understandable Language

Avoid using jargon and technical terms that may confuse stakeholders. Use language that is clear and easily understood by all audiences to ensure that the message is accessible and transparent.

Listen and Respond

Encourage feedback from stakeholders and actively listen to their concerns. Address questions and issues promptly, demonstrating responsiveness and a genuine commitment to resolving concerns.

Case Studies Highlighting Transparency

Case Study 1: Cloud Service Outage

A cloud service provider experienced a severe outage due to a code bug. By promptly communicating the issue and its severity to users and clients, the provider-maintained trust and ensured users were informed throughout the resolution process.

Case Study 2: E-commerce Platform Glitch

An e-commerce platform faced a technical glitch during a major sale. Transparent incident communication reassured users that the issue was identified and being addressed. This transparency led to minimal user backlash and retained trust.

In these case studies, the importance of transparency was evident in building and maintaining trust, minimizing user concerns, and enabling effective collaboration during incident resolution.

Transparency during engineering incidents isn’t just a best practice; it’s a strategic imperative. By prioritizing transparent incident management communication, your organization can build trust, maintain user confidence, foster team collaboration, and enable effective decision-making. These benefits are not only crucial during incidents but also contribute to a resilient, trustworthy engineering operation in the long run.


Thread is on a mission to revolutionize incident management for large enterprises. Thread offers enterprise-grade solutions, enabling seamless incident response and collaboration. Our goal is to empower engineers and simplify incident management, letting them focus on innovation.

