Guide to Robotic Process Automation and Artificial Intelligence in Finance

Brandish Tech
19 min readJan 1, 2023


Robotic process automation and artificial intelligence in finance is necessary as an advanced guide from the competition, finance professionals and executives that are taking steps to examine accounting and finance systems, as well as operations and business processes.

Companies are undergoing a digital transformation by utilizing technology in the form of Robotic Process Automation, often known as RPA, to automate and simplify operations, drive higher efficiency, and harness data in order to enable smarter and faster decision-making.

In the world of finance, like many other sectors of business, the world of finance is complete with repetitive manual operations and would benefit significantly from being automated using technology.

Artificial intelligence has developed into a multi-billion dollar business over the past few decades, changing all parts of existence. Today, robots perform various tedious duties for us, such as vacuuming our homes, cutting our lawns, and painting our automobiles.

The finance sector is one area where automation can save tens of thousands of man hours. Robotic process automation has several valuable advantages, a new technology that simplifies financial reporting.

What is Robotic Process Automation?

The employment of robotic software to execute tasks is known as robotic process automation (RPA). Many of these activities are repeated for various projects or operational units and require little time or focus. These techniques are taught to software robots so that human workers won’t need to perform physical labor.

RPA use is increasing, with 20% of firms doing so in 2021, up from 13% in 2020, according to Computer Economics. That is understandable, given that automation can help businesses save hundreds of thousands of dollars and tens of thousands of work hours.

What is artificial intelligence, if I may ask? Okay, don’t be disturbed. It is well said that it is a branch of technology that deals with creating intelligent agents, which are systems that can reason, learn, and act to perform human functions.

How Can You Use Robotic Process Automation in Finance?

According to a poll by Acceleration Economy, robotic process automation is largely used in the manufacturing and technology sectors. Still, organizations in all industries can discover ways to benefit from such software, particularly as it applies to financial procedures.

Finance departments are rapidly automating the following tasks:

Bookkeeping Work: Many accounting divisions automate the entry of particular line items for revenue and costs.

Customer invoicing: Invoices for clients can be created, sent, and tracked automatically. Discover the ideal invoice app for your company.

Report generation: Systems can automatically produce reports, even for accounts that need strict supervision.

Payment processing: Payroll and invoices are automatically reviewed, approved, and paid during the payment process. See our selections for the best payroll applications.

Treasury management: Accounting systems notify users of other cash management requirements and transfer excess cash balances into sweep accounts.

Tax reporting: Revenue and payment tracking is used to create tax statements.

The Use of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Robotic Process Automation, or RPA, is a software developed in robotics designed to automate recurring business operations and operate on structured data. Integrates aspects of artificial intelligence, such as natural language processing, automated learning, robotics, and computer vision, into automating tasks.

RPA is an acronym for robotic process automation. They refer to it as a “synonym to AI,” and while some might argue with that characterization, combining RPA and AI can be an extremely effective tool.

RPA has received much attention as of late because automation has recently come to the forefront as a way for businesses to sell goods and services without human interaction due to the pandemic.

And because it is anticipated that the automation industry will generate $214 billion this year, robotic process automation (RPA) is currently experiencing its “automation moment.” This is because startups and enterprises compete to provide workflow automation tools to different parts of the business.

On the other hand, artificial intelligence systems acquire knowledge and then put that knowledge to use by coming to conclusions and generating forecasts. This is the subject that I am concentrating on because I am a co-founder of an artificial intelligence-based financial platform startup.

The phrase “artificial intelligence” (AI) refers to a wide variety of underlying technologies: semantic comprehension, machine learning, neural networks, computer vision, and others.

Concepts such as learning, reasoning, and self-correction are the basis of how artificial intelligence can work with complicated issues that arise in business.

Artificial intelligence is commonly believed to be expensive; however, the return on investment (ROI) may not be apparent at first because AI works behind the scenes to create value by improving and streamlining operations.

Robotic Process Automation in Finance

When faced with a competitive challenge in the accounting sector, business leaders must take the time to evaluate their operations processes to meet their goals for success.

The company has been using technology to drive digital transformation using RPA to automate processes and increase efficiency and has also used data analysis to improve the decision-making process.

Like many other industries, finance consists of repetitive manual work that can be automated via technology.

RPA in Financial Industry: Best Practices

It’s possible that investing in finance automation can produce unanticipated chances to outperform the competition, boost employee engagement, cut expenses, and scale up operations.

In order to get started with the installation of RPA, follow these steps:

Checking and evaluating: Make a list of the high-volume, ongoing processes that require human intervention and arrange them in descending order of their level of complexity.

Identify & document: Cross out everything that isn’t necessary. Document every stage of the process and the person or people responsible for it.

Investigate and pick one: Take into consideration the type of robotics process automation that will best meet your needs. Do you require a fundamental level of automation or advanced RPA software that possesses capabilities in the area of machine learning?

Is there specific software that can handle the responsibilities that you want to take on? You should compile a list of potential vendors and contact them with any questions, concerns, or requests for additional information.

Be careful: Be careful to go with a trustworthy vendor with prior expertise working in your sector and with the RPA technology stack of your choice. Verify that you are fully committed to moving forward with the plan.

Be patient: The initial stages of automating a process might be time-consuming because it is a gradual process. When starting from scratch, automating simple procedures could take a few months, while automating more complicated processes could take up to a year.

Additionally, keep in mind that automating legacy systems may prove to be complicated.

Be practical: It is standard procedure to begin with a limited portion of a selected process and to provide workers with the opportunity to intervene in areas where automation has not yet been implemented.

As the RPA adoption process moves forward, employees may be let go gradually. Nevertheless, they may still need to monitor the results and take control occasionally.

The Advancement of RPA in the World of Finance

Robotic process automation (RPA) refers to using low-code software “bots” to handle the repetitive, time-consuming tasks that human workers are responsible for, such as invoice processing, data entry, compliance reporting, and other similar activities.

RPA is utilized in a variety of different industries. RPA is a subset of the broader movement toward hyper automation, which enables businesses to transition away from automation that attempts to simulate human behavior and toward automation that uses data to improve the efficiency of end-to-end financial operations.

Robotic process automation (RPA) uses robots suited to handle enormous volumes of repetitive work without human involvement.

This frees employees to focus on more meaningful work, such as cultivating solid relationships with clients, analyzing data to gain a competitive advantage, or converting creative ideas into new financial products. This frees up people to concentrate on more meaningful work.

Challenges Implementing RPA

The research found that leaders often experience three specific issues when automating financial reporting processes with robotics. Companies do not see immediate returns from technology purchases.

Eventually, the public becomes more worried over delays in process standardizations. Acceleration Economics discovered more challenging issues by studying the results. The survey emphasized the need to maintain software products to protect against virus risks.


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Advantages of Robotic Process Automation

Despite these adoption roadblocks, evidence indicates that any early difficulties are worthwhile to overcome when considering RPA’s benefits. The Gartner team discovered that RPA could save up to 25,000 hours annually and $878 000 if wholly implemented.

In addition to saving time and money during the software implementation, your personnel will benefit from the time dedicated to working on other worthwhile initiatives.

Additionally, executives can anticipate precise data devoid of human errors and an overall rise in productivity.

According to Gannon, accounting teams may rapidly free up capacity with the least amount of interruption possible by using RPA on operations that can be automated immediately.

You could even be motivated to look into ways this technology can boost productivity. Perhaps, for instance, research into sales force automation or marketing automation follows a successful RPA experience with the finance team.

RPA creates an audit trail that can be conveniently accessed anytime, assisting businesses in managing risk and correctly and automatically adhering to compliance regulations. RPA systems have the same level of security and access as a person to handle and act on data.

If ensuring consistent output quality isn’t incentive enough, RPA technology typically costs one-third of what an onshore person and one-fifth of what an offshore staff would. But these are just a few noticeable advantages of RPA to the accounts payable process.

Others include security, data quality, processing speed, and cost. Do not misinterpret this to indicate that RPA robots will eliminate the need for human interaction in the workplace, particularly in the accounting department.

RPA robots have the exact opposite impact on the banking sector. Their only responsibility is to be exceptional at replacing repetitive and routine manual operations and increasing accuracy and efficiency in a hands-off, modern manner.

RPA software offers a service, not a replacement. Instead, it allows the Accounts Payable and Financial staff to provide genuinely human and thus important advice to the finance division.

Schedule a call with one of our AP automation experts immediately if you’re ready to learn more about how RPA can drive a digital transformation in your invoice and payment process.

The Impact of Automation at Work in the Future

Although automation is increasingly common in many industries, it is still a touchy subject for carrying out some job responsibilities. This is especially true in corporate finance, where a single error can result in severe financial harm to a corporation.

But it would be wise for executives to use the money saved by automation to fund more product development and growth initiatives.

Business owners willing to adopt new strategies will likely outcompete those who fail to see these savings. Learn more about how artificial intelligence automation is transforming the workplace so that your company may benefit.

Challenges of Robotic Process Automation

Challenges of robotic process automation are uncomfortable with the financial reporting process being conducted without human input. They do not believe that the technology has a significant return on investment.

They start to worry about the delays in process standardization. Through its research, Acceleration Economy identified additional issues, such as organizational resistance to change and IT team members feeling underqualified to adopt RPA technology.

Concern over security threats was also brought up in the study, mainly if the software isn’t correctly updated over time. The leading RPA suppliers are still relatively unknown, which presents another difficulty related to familiarity.

RPA and Al In Finance

Many accounting software solutions still require manual handling. However, the majority are not available. This is probably the cause of a lack of strategic strategies, fear of trust in technology and budget issues.

Despite the global change and dynamism, the market has shown growing interest and necessity for digitization, including automation. The move led to automation processes and automation in robotic systems in the industry.


BPA often describes automated and multistep workflows specific to a core business function. Once one step in the workflow is completed, the following steps are immediately started.

A business processes automation tool can also operate within multiple business processes and applications to accomplish a specific project. RPA is comparable, but both technologies aim for less manual operations, offloading tasks to computer systems.

Among the crucial distinctions in RPA deployments are the low cost of automation because they are limited to functions instead of multistep processes.


RPA and artificial intelligence are powerful, but combining the two is amazingly useful in almost every industry from streamlined process automation to increased efficiency to reducing cycle time and costs.

Robotic processes and automation systems perform monotonous tasks with inefficiencies that humans cannot match in precision, speed and scale. But the RPA bot’s capabilities remain limited and mimic human behavior, whereas humans are incapable of making decisions.

So, it is imperative to employ artificial intelligence for thought-based decisions. AI is a brain system in RPA’s bot.


Digital process automation technology, called BPA, is characterized by its dual power. It allows for automation from the beginning to completion and optimizes common workflows, including external human interaction.

DPA can eliminate friction, improve speed, provide a rich customer experience and increase efficiency for businesses by allowing for accelerated payments.

Comparatively to automated robot systems, DPA can be employed for more complex processes containing a lot of choices that robot systems might not handle effectively.

RPA in Finance

In 2020, 73% of global organizations adopted automation technologies, up 8% versus 58% in 2018. Although the definition of automation is often a confusing phrase, the word “automatic” has become an increasing buzzword that covers any machine technology that performs a human task.

Although there is some distinction, the financial sector has embraced automation and its potential to disrupt is enormous. Despite these differences, the financial sector is continuing to embrace automation, which is still ripe for disruption.

According to the most recent survey conducted by Analytics Insight, more than 55 percent of BFSI companies (banking, financial services, and insurance) have identified RPA as a critical driver to improve process efficiencies and service quality, and over half of these companies have plans to deploy it by the year 2025.

How to Use Robotic Process Automation and Artificial Intelligence in Finance

A new Acceleration Economy survey found that manufacturers and technology businesses generally use robotic automation, but companies of any sector can use this software for their financial systems. How does shopper management automate its finances? Robot automation has also helped in revenue audits.

Eleven Guided Ways to Use RPA and Artificial Intelligence in Finance

When evaluating a company’s RPA technology, it is common for finance managers to find tasks prone to human error that are the highest in the workflow bottleneck. Let’s look at how to use the new RPA technology to transform financial institutions.

A robot can be used in RPA to perform business processes on the same human interface. It must have uniform financial procedures, digital forms and workflows and an adequately integrated software system for ensuring communications.

Eleven examples highlight robotic process automation (RPA) to automate labour-intensive finance activities, providing an almost immediate ROI.

Revitalize customer experience

Today, consumers are increasingly looking into financing options and expect personalized service, rapid response times and quick support. The RPA tool will enhance the user experience from the initial onboarding through the account update.

New customers have the option to create new accounts with automatic Know Your Customer validation. RPA provides a mechanism for users or businesses to alert stakeholders about specific events, like customer complaints regarding new features on smartphones and tablets.

This way, ML allows the analysis of similar complaints from past users to pinpoint the impact of improvements.

Drive Sustainable Growth

Competition for banking companies has become fierce, particularly with low exchange rates and costly digital transformation projects. One way to increase revenues is to identify new financial plan sales opportunities.

With an RPA implementation, you can send data regarding customer behavior to a particular person within the business. A ML model helps to group a user into a specific group of categories if their behavior dictates.

Bank employees know that a customer might be interested in starting a new loan.

Improve Operational Efficiency

It reduces operating costs by automatizing manual-intensive transactions that require reconciliation manually. Digital staff members can retrieve and collate the data in multiple backend systems, reconcile payments and bill payments, and take necessary steps to fix breakages and other problems.

Using natural language, digital staff can analyze the text in the invoice to automatically direct the issue back.

Fight Financial Crime

Financial institutions need to be equipped with cybersecurity tools to detect and eliminate fraud and monitor transactions. It increases efficiency and speed in detecting fraud.

First, the bot checks if data meets federal AML guidelines. It helps analyze variance to find the cause and identify potentially fraudulent activity.

Accounts Payable

AP is a crucial and repetitive activity of finance teams, and it is time-consuming to complete manually because of its repeated nature. Employees are responsible for validating the fields, digitizing vendor invoices, and then processing payments afterward.

When Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is used in Accounts Payable Automation Software, incoming invoices are delivered to the proper recipient in an automated fashion.

In addition, missed payment deadlines can be prevented by setting up reminders in advance.

Management of Data

Data is essential in every sector, especially in finance and accounting. Automating robotics processes is a fantastic solution that may significantly improve data management.

RPA bots can be programmed to move, collect, and transmit data between systems easily, allowing for the execution of processes, the performance of analysis, and the generation of actionable reports.

Know Your Customer (KYC)

In this day and age, it is becoming increasingly common for financial departments and institutions to employ KYC to verify their customers’ identities and evaluate and manage customer risk.

Not only does KYC require a significant investment of time, but also many businesses risk compliance consequences.

Utilizing RPA and incorporating it into KYC procedures would hasten the process of onboarding new customers, reduce the number of errors made, and improve the overall user experience for customers.

Reporting Accuracy

It is essential in financial reporting, mainly when communicating with stakeholders and providing them with reports and projections.

RPA can efficiently gather and analyze data from various sources, present the data in a format that is easy to understand and generate highly accurate reports.

This includes P&L, income statements, variance analysis, balance sheets, regulatory/management, and reconciliation reports.

Discrepancies and Inaccuracies

Insufficient data can spread like wildfire across numerous systems, which invites the need for substantial data cleaning.

Data can be scanned by robotic process automation, which notifies an employee of any problems it finds across different systems.

In addition, the RPA bot can, through several rules-based procedures, find the source of discrepancies and programmatically repair the issue, which will apply to all impacted systems.

Fight Fraud

According to recent statistics, the process of anti-money laundering is “very manual.” This means that it requires a lot of human labor.

It is said that analysts devote only 10% of their time to actual analysis, while up to 75% of their time is spent on data collection, and 15% of their time is dedicated to data input and maintenance.

Because stopping operations involving money laundering must be done quickly, utilizing RPA technology would be an excellent answer in this situation.

Benefits of RPA in Finance

In line with global finance automation adoption and rising consumer demand, the RPA market will see massive growth over the next 20 years. Globally the RPA for banking services is predicted to have a value of around $5 million in 2025.

RPA has potential advantages that speak for it. Gartner reports that nearly half of financial managers already implement or plan on implementing robotic process automation technology.

Because the field of finance is filled with a high volume of routine, repetitive, and dull jobs, the utilization of RPA can potentially impact the effectiveness of finance functions and accounting methods significantly.

The following is a list of seven significant advantages of applying financial automation:

Reduces the amount of time and effort required to carry out specific tasks by as much as 90 percent, according to estimations provided by Accenture.

Similarly, automation and robotics may yield up to 80 percent cost reductions. Reduce the number of errors caused by humans: People are inherently fallible, especially when manually processing bills or organizing data in Excel spreadsheets.

Errors are entirely eradicated by financial RPA as a result of its highly standardized and organized approach to the management of tasks.

Scalability: refers to the ease with which RPA enables businesses to expand their operations. RPA bots can manage and reply to volume requests or any other programmed duties in record time without pausing. This makes them extremely useful.

Low capital startup: Because it is a layer that sits over the applications already in place, implementing RPA in finance does not require significant alterations to the underlying infrastructure (UI layer).

As a result, businesses do not have to worry about incurring high initial fees.

Better decision-making: The use of robotics process automation can be utilized to collect real-time data (extracted from legacy as well as new data from existing systems), which offers deeper insights regarding problems, discrepancies, and growth potential.

Reporting on compliance and risk: Maintaining regulatory compliance in the financial industry requires excellent attention to detail.

Companies can produce detailed audit trails for every operation they run thanks to robotic automation systems, which help them verify accuracy and reduces the risk to their businesses.

Transparency: most of the time, the procedures involved in handling finances are manual and involve a wide variety of people and channels. A lot of the time, the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing, and the same is true for the other way around.

Mistakes are made, and the ball is dropped with no one admitting blame. This is no longer the case because of RPA’s standardized processes.


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How is AI Transforming the Finance Industry?

Artificially intelligent technology is increasingly being used in finance across all industries. It is likely to transform the financial trading market for trading with blockchain technologies, improve efficiency, reduce friction, and improve product offerings.

In spite of the fact that digital finance was already well-established long before the coronavirus pandemic, COVID-19 has accelerated the pace of development within the FinTech industry as the demand for online banking continues to climb. This is the case with many other businesses as well.

Along with this shift comes the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), both of which have been among the most critical factors contributing to the growth and longevity of financial organizations.

Here at Brandish Tech, we have outlined six specific applications of AI within the financial sector that may be used to stimulate growth and enhance productivity.

1. Customer Relationship Management

Customer relationship management is a key component for banks. Banks are increasingly offering their consumers more individualized and personalized services available around the clock, such as facial recognition and voice command features that can be used to log in to banking apps.

Artificial intelligence is also being used by financial institutions to study the patterns of behavior exhibited by customers and to execute customer segmentation automatically. This enables targeted marketing as well as an improved customer experience and contact.

2. Support for Customers Driven by AI

Chatbots are one of the most important ways artificial intelligence may improve customer service in financial institutions. There are many additional applications of AI that can be helpful.

Chatbots powered by AI has the potential to not only reduce the amount of work performed by contact centers but also to improve the user experience for customers who have straightforward inquiries.

By utilizing automated scripts to handle customers’ direct issues, this technology makes it simpler and more convenient for customers to communicate with financial institutions.

Chatbots improve the customer service experience by allowing employees to devote more of their time to more pressing and complex issues. This, in turn, leads to an overall improvement in the quality of the financial service provided.

It has also been demonstrated that chatbots can assist in expanding the customer networks of financial organizations.

3. Predictive Analytics

The introduction of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence has made it possible to make accurate forecasts and predictions. The use of data analytics and artificial intelligence are becoming increasingly common in projecting revenue and stock prices, monitoring risks, and managing cases.

The dramatic growth in the amount of data that has been gathered has been an essential factor in the enhancement of the performance of the models, which has led to a steady reduction in the amount of human involvement required.

4. Fraud Attack Detection

Every year, fraudulent transactions waste a sizeable amount of money for economies and present a substantial challenge for a wide variety of financial institutions throughout the world.

Fraud not only has a negative effect on a company’s bottom line but can also significantly damage a FinTech company’s reputation.

5. Credit Risk Management

As a result of the continued emphasis that regulators place on the monitoring of risk management, financial institutions are required to develop models and solutions that are more dependable.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly common in managing credit risk, particularly in the Fintech and Digital Banking markets.

The use of robotic process automation and artificial intelligence in finance is to establish as well the creditworthiness of the facility borrower by utilizing data to make predictions regarding the probability of defaulting on the loan, which helps to improve the accuracy of credit judgments.

Consequently, the market is moving away from expert review and toward insights-driven lending, which helps optimize the rejection of high-risk consumers and decrease the rejection of creditworthy customers, reducing the credit losses sustained by financial institutions.

Artificial intelligence (AI) can analyze many transactions to find fraud trends and detect fraud in real time.

When an AI model suspects that a transaction involved fraudulent activity, it can either completely reject the transaction or flag it for additional investigation by a team member.

When this is done, it enables investigators to concentrate their efforts on detecting and preventing high-risk attempts at fraud.

6. AI Mortgage Authorization

As a result of the coronavirus, many people are having difficulty recovering from the financial issues brought about by the lockdown; consequently, the demand for financial aid has reached an all-time high.

The effort and time required to examine and accept loan applications is a significant challenge for lenders in the financial sector. Underwriting by hand can be time consuming and challenging, but it can be automated with the help of specialized AI software.

AI can automate approvals for low-value loans and assist in examining more significant transactions such as mortgage applications. This is made possible by the real-time analysis that AI is capable of performing.


These days, robots are everywhere. Robotic arms are whirling in cages, welding and painting automobile bodywork at a dizzying rate.

Modern warehouses are filled with collaborative robots that move around with human workers, speeding up picking, packing, and even shipping to clients.

Not to mention the rising trend of homeowners who welcome robotic vacuum cleaners into their homes.

You can

