Top 5 Features to Look For In Insurance Agency Commission Software

Brandish Tech
6 min readMay 28, 2022


Top 5 Features to Look For In Insurance Agency Commission Software


There are a few key features you should look for when choosing insurance agency commission software. The software should be able to track and manage agent commissions, automate commission payments, and provide reporting and analytics. It should also be easy to use and integrate with your existing systems.

Insurance Agency Commission Software Features

When it comes to choosing insurance agency commission software, there are a few key features to keep in mind. First, the software should be easy to customise reports. Second, it should be able to track and manage sales. Third, it should multiply commissions. Fourth, to protect commission by policy or agent.

And finally, it should be to track the ongoing commission. Because there are so many choices available, it can be challenging to determine how to get started. But if you keep these five key features in mind, you should be able to find the right software for your needs.

To understand what this type of software can do for your business, let’s take a look at some of its main features:

1. Customized reports: You have the ability to personalize reports to meet the demands of your specific situation. Take, for instance, the scenario in which you are interested in determining the number of policies that were sold by each agent or the amount of money that was paid out in commissions for each policy that was sold. In that case, you can create these reports easily by using the appropriate report template available in the system.

2. Sales tracking capabilities: Insurance agency commission software allows you to track sales activities such as policies sold, applications received, etc. This way, you will be able to keep track of all the income generated by every type of sale made by your agency so that no one gets left out during the payout process at the end of each month or quarter.

3. Multiple commissions: The insurance agency commission software allows you to create multiple commissions for each policy, which is a great feature if you offer different commissions for different policies. For instance, if you sell life insurance policies that vary in their benefits and premiums, you will want to establish individual commission structures for each of these products. The same can be said for products related to health and property insurance.

4. Commission by policy or agent: You can also choose whether or not to pay commissions on a per-policy or per-agent basis. This means that if you have more than one agent working for your company, you can decide whether or not they should receive their commissions individually or as part of a team.

5. Ongoing commission tracking: The commission tracking software for insurance agencies will automatically keep track of all ongoing commissions, providing you with access to information that is always up to date. If an agent sells a policy while offline, they will still receive their commission automatically when they log back in again (provided there is no outstanding balance).

What is Commission Software?

Commission software is a program that allows agents and agencies to track, analyze and report on their performance and results. The basic idea behind commission software is that it helps you track what you’re selling, where you’re selling it, how much money you’re making, and more. Can then use the data to make informed decisions about your marketing campaigns, pricing structure, etc.

How Does Commission Software Work?

Commission software helps businesses by providing automated reporting capabilities so that agents don’t have to spend time manually entering data into spreadsheets or other programs. Some even offer a dashboard where you can see detailed information about your business performance.

This makes it easier for agents to make better decisions about their marketing efforts because they have access to all the information they need right at their fingertips.

The Different Types of Commission Software

There are many different types of commission software available on the market today. Some of the more popular options include Commission Junction, Clickbank, and ShareASale. Each of these platforms has its advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to choose the right one for you and your business.

For example, Commission Junction is great for established businesses, while Clickbank is more suited for smaller businesses or those just starting. ShareASale is a good option for businesses that sell physical products, as it offers a commission on each sale made. Whichever platform you choose, make sure it meets your needs and offers the features you’re looking for.

A great way to keep track of all of the various commissions, fees, and payments that go into your business is to use software designed specifically for insurance agency commissions. It can help you keep track of collections, payments, sales, and accounts receivables.

Many different companies offer this type of software, but it’s important to choose the right one for your business. This can be tricky because there are so many different types out there. To help you find the right one for you, we’ve compiled a list of the different types of insurance agency commission software available today.

1. Managed Services

This is where an outside company provides all the services necessary to run your agency such as customer service, tech support, and accounting while you focus on growing your business. You’ll have access to online training sessions and webinars that can help you learn more about running your insurance agency successfully.

2. Hosted Solutions

You’ll need to host this type of solution yourself. Still, once it’s set up, it will run by itself without any further input from you or your staff members except when they make changes manually or need help from other departments like IT or accounting if something goes wrong with their system or if they need.

3. Insurance agency commission software

This is the most common type of commission software, as it is used for insurance companies and agencies that sell insurance products. This type of software helps you track commissions daily and helps with billing clients and managing accounts receivable.

4. Investment advisor commission software

Investment advisors use this type of software to track their commissions and manage their accounts receivable.

5. Real estate brokerage commission software

Real estate brokers use this type of software to manage their commissions and track payments from clients. They can also use it to manage their accounts receivable, which means they can easily bill clients who owe them money. This system is also helpful when running background checks on new potential employees; you can store this information in the system, so you don’t have to search through paper files each time you need it.

6. Law firm commission software

This kind of system is used by law firms to keep track of the amounts that they charge customers for legal services, in addition to using it for other record-keeping purposes.

Insurance Commission Tracking Software

The insurance commission tracking software is a great way to keep track of your insurance commissions. It is a simple way to see all of your commissions in one place and it is easy to use. You can see how much money you have made in commissions and you can see how much money you have left to make in commissions.

This software is a great way to keep track of your insurance commissions and it is a great way to make sure that you are getting all of the commissions that you are owed.

Some businesses use the fact that their customers can pay insurance commissions to the business in several ways as a way to get higher commissions from them. They might ask their customers to pay a part of the cost or to pay for any inconveniences that might arise from a policy.

However, you should consider if this is a good idea. After all, your goal is to make money while protecting the client. If you find that people are paying your commission instead of buying your product or service, you may be doing something wrong.


Insurance agencies have a lot to gain by using commission tracking software. The top 5 features to look for are the ability to track and manage leads, the ability to track and manage policies, the ability to track and manage agent performance, the capability to track and manage payouts, and the capability to track and manage accounts are all important factors. All of these features will help insurance agencies to increase their productivity and efficiency while reducing their costs.

