Zantedeschia Aethiopica’s Survival: How It Adapts to Different Climates

5 min readMay 26, 2023


Zantedeschia Aethiopica, commonly known as the white calla lily, is a plant species that has shown remarkable adaptability in surviving different climates worldwide. From mild temperatures to extreme heat and drought, this plant has proven to be resilient in harsh conditions.

This article will delve into the plant’s adaptive features, mechanisms, and ideal climates for survival. By understanding how this plant has managed to adapt to different climates, we can gain insights into how other species can also thrive in diverse environments.

Mild Climates

Zantedeschia Aethiopica’s preference for mild climates with temperatures between 18–25°C and moist soil is due to its ability to adapt to these conditions. The plant has developed unique adaptive features that allow it to thrive in such an environment. Its rhizomes act as a water storage system, enabling it to survive in areas where water is not readily available. In addition, the plant has exhibited high tolerance to shade, making it an ideal choice for forested areas where other plants struggle to grow.

These adaptations have made mild climates the perfect environment for Zantedeschia Aethiopica’s survival. The plant’s ability to store water ensures its survival during times of water scarcity, while its tolerance to shade provides it with a significant advantage in areas where light is limited. All of these factors contribute to the resiliency of this plant and enable it to thrive in mild climates around the world.

Adaptive Features

Zantedeschia Aethiopica has adapted to survive in mild climates through its unique adaptive features. The plant is able to store water in its rhizomes, which allows it to thrive in areas with limited water availability. This adaptation is crucial for its survival, as it helps the plant to endure dry seasons. In addition, the plant has a tolerance to shade, which makes it an ideal species for forested areas. This adaptation enables it to grow under partial shade, where other plants might struggle to survive.

Overall, the adaptive features of Zantedeschia Aethiopica have allowed it to survive and thrive in mild climates. Its ability to store water and tolerance to shade are essential mechanisms that have contributed to its resilient nature. These adaptations have made it a versatile plant that can withstand different environmental conditions, which is why it has been able to survive in various parts of the world.

Water Storage

Zantedeschia Aethiopica’s rhizomes are a crucial adaptation that allows the plant to survive in areas with limited water availability. The rhizomes act as a water storage system, allowing the plant to store water during periods of rainfall or high humidity. This stored water is then used by the plant during dry periods, ensuring its survival in harsh, dry environments.

Furthermore, the rhizomes are also used by the plant to propagate and spread. When the rhizomes grow too large, they split into smaller segments, which can then be replanted to grow into new plants.

Shade Tolerance

Zantedeschia Aethiopica’s tolerance to shade is one of its key adaptive features that allow it to grow and thrive in mild climates. The plant can grow in partial shade, making it ideal for forested areas where not many plants can survive. This is because the plant has developed a unique leaf structure that allows it to efficiently use available light in shaded areas.

Zantedeschia Aethiopica’s leaves have a unique shape and texture that maximizes the amount of sunlight it can capture in low light conditions. The leaves have a glossy, waxy texture which helps reflect light, while the shape of the leaves allows more light to penetrate to the lower leaves. This efficient use of light allows the plant to grow and thrive in areas where other plants would struggle.

Harsh Climates

Zantedeschia Aethiopica’s adaptability isn’t limited to mild climates alone. This resilient species has also managed to survive in harsh environments where temperatures can be extreme. The plant has developed several adaptive mechanisms that enable it to endure in such conditions. These mechanisms include going dormant during periods of extreme temperature and storing nutrients in its rhizomes during dry periods.

When temperatures reach extremes, Zantedeschia Aethiopica goes dormant, which allows it to conserve energy and survive until more favorable conditions return. Additionally, the plant stores nutrients in its rhizomes during dry periods, ensuring its survival in harsh climates.

Adaptive Mechanisms

Zantedeschia Aethiopica has developed several mechanisms to survive in harsher environments where temperatures can reach extremes. These adaptive mechanisms include dormancy during periods of extreme heat or cold, allowing the plant to conserve energy until more favorable conditions return. Additionally, the plant stores nutrients in its rhizomes during dry periods, which enables it to survive long periods of drought.

The ability to go dormant during extreme temperatures is crucial for the survival of Zantedeschia Aethiopica. By becoming dormant, the plant is able to conserve energy and survive until temperatures become less extreme. This mechanism allows the plant to adapt to climates that are too harsh for most other plants to survive in.

The storage of nutrients in its rhizomes is another adaptation that helps Zantedeschia Aethiopica survive in harsh climates. During periods of drought, the plant can draw upon its stored nutrients to survive until more favorable conditions return. This mechanism allows the plant to thrive in environments that are too dry for other plants to survive in.


Dormancy is an important adaptive mechanism developed by Zantedeschia Aethiopica to survive extreme heat or cold. During such periods, the plant enters a state of dormancy, which helps it conserve energy and survive until more favorable conditions return. This mechanism works by reducing the plant’s metabolic rate, allowing it to save energy and reduce water loss through transpiration. In this state, the plant may shed leaves or stop growing until the extreme conditions subside.

The benefits of dormancy include increased survival rates and reduced energy expenditure for the plant. By reducing its metabolic rate, the plant can conserve energy and reduce its water needs, which is critical in areas with limited water availability. Dormancy also allows the plant to cope with environmental stress and survive in harsh climates, where other plants may not be able to survive. Overall, dormancy is an important adaptive mechanism that contributes to the resilience and survival of Zantedeschia Aethiopica in extreme climates.

Nutrient Storage

Zantedeschia Aethiopica’s ability to store nutrients in its rhizomes during periods of drought is a crucial adaptation that allows it to survive in harsh climates. Rhizomes are underground stems that store reserves of nutrients and water, which the plant can draw upon during times of need.

The plant’s ability to store nutrients allows it to survive long periods of drought, which is essential in harsh climates where water is scarce. This adaptation helps the plant maintain its metabolism and continue growing, even when water is not readily available.

In addition to storing nutrients, Zantedeschia Aethiopica’s rhizomes also help the plant withstand extreme temperatures. During periods of high heat or cold, the plant can go dormant and draw upon the reserves stored in its rhizomes, allowing it to conserve energy and survive until more favorable conditions return.

Overall, the nutrient storage adaptation of Zantedeschia Aethiopica is crucial to its survival in harsh climates. It allows the plant to maintain its metabolism and continue growing, even when water is scarce, and helps it withstand extreme temperatures by allowing it to go dormant and conserve energy.

