10 Things To Remember When Going Through Tough Times

Mo Seetubtim
2 min readApr 18, 2019


  1. Everything can — and will — change. Nothing is permanent.
  2. You’ve overcome challenges and obstacles before.
  3. For everything you have lost, you have gained something else. For everything you have gained, you have lost something else.
  4. You learn and grow the most through change, discomfort, and difficulty.
  5. Not getting what you want can prove to be a true blessing. Only time will tell you that.
  6. Disappointments happen to help you change direction.
  7. Don’t be too serious. Enjoy the ride — the ups and downs of life — for when life is tough, you feel the deepest.
  8. Love yourself and trust yourself — for you yourself is the only thing that is yours.
  9. Others’ problems aren’t yours if you don’t make them yours. Others’ energy cannot affect you if you do not let it.
  10. There is always, always, always something to be grateful for.

My name is Mo Seetubtim. I’m the founder & CEO of The Happiness Planner. We design beautiful inspirational planning & journaling tools that help you find happiness from within and live a truly fulfilled life.

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Mo Seetubtim

I am the creator of The Happiness Planner. I design personal development tools and resources that empower you to feel happy, whole, and fulfilled from within.