Converting Categorical Data into Numerical Form: A Practical Guide for Data Science

Brandon Wohlwend
26 min readJul 16, 2023


In the evolving landscape of data science and machine learning, the importance of appropriately handling different types of data has never been more critical. One of the most common data types we encounter in this field is categorical data. From demographics to item categories, from weather conditions to sentiment labels, categorical variables are pervasive in our datasets. But what exactly are categorical variables, and why do they matter so much?

Categorical data, as the name suggests, is a type of data that can be grouped into various categories but lacks a natural order or numerical value. Think about a dataset of movie reviews, where the genre of each film — such as ‘comedy’, ‘drama’, or ‘thriller’ — is a categorical variable. Or consider a customer satisfaction survey where responses range from ‘very dissatisfied’ to ‘very satisfied’; these too are categorical data. These variables provide valuable information that allows us to differentiate and group data, offering vital insights for our analysis.

Despite their usefulness, dealing with categorical variables presents a unique challenge, especially when it comes to machine learning algorithms. These algorithms, in their basic form, understand numbers, not categories. They operate on mathematical principles that require numerical input. When we provide categorical data, the algorithms cannot effectively interpret this data, and we’re left with models that, at best, perform poorly and, at worst, are fundamentally flawed.

That’s where the process of converting categorical variables into numerical variables comes in. By transforming categorical data into numerical form, we translate this rich, qualitative information into a language our machine learning models can comprehend. It’s like translating a foreign language into one we understand, enabling us to unlock a whole new layer of data interpretation and analysis. This transformation is not just a technical necessity; it’s a bridge between raw data and meaningful insights, and it’s essential for creating accurate, effective models.

In this article, we’ll delve into the details of categorical variables, why we need to convert them into numerical form, and how exactly we can do this in the most effective manner. Whether you’re a seasoned data scientist or a beginner in the field, this guide will provide you with the tools to handle categorical data confidently and correctly.

Understanding Categorical Variables

Before diving into the methods of transforming categorical data, it’s crucial that we fully grasp what categorical variables are and how they manifest in our data. Understanding the nature of these variables allows us to select the most appropriate transformation techniques later on.

Definition and Examples of Categorical Variables

Categorical variables, also known as qualitative or discrete variables, are those variables that can be divided into multiple categories but have no order or priority. Each category is distinct and equally important. They often represent types, characteristics, labels, or names of groups. Each of these groups is a unique category that provides specific information about the subject of study.

Consider a simple example. Suppose you are studying a dataset of different species of birds sighted in a wildlife sanctuary. One of the variables might be ‘Species,’ with categories like ‘sparrow,’ ‘eagle,’ ‘hawk,’ ‘pigeon,’ and so on. Each of these species represents a different category. This variable is a categorical variable.

Another example would be a customer survey for a product, where you ask customers about their satisfaction level. The response could be ‘very satisfied,’ ‘satisfied,’ ‘neutral,’ ‘dissatisfied,’ and ‘very dissatisfied.’ Here, ‘customer satisfaction’ is a categorical variable, and the responses represent various categories.

Categorical variables can take many forms in real-world data, from colors (‘red,’ ‘blue,’ ‘green’), to geographical classifications (‘urban,’ ‘suburban,’ ‘rural’), to educational levels (‘high school,’ ‘bachelor’s,’ ‘master’s,’ ‘PhD’).

Understanding these variables’ properties is a prerequisite for correctly preprocessing them for use in machine learning algorithms. In the following sections, we will explore more about the types of categorical variables and their role in data analysis.

Types of Categorical Variables: Ordinal and Nominal

Categorical variables, while broadly characterized by their ability to represent distinct groups or categories, can actually be subdivided into two types based on the nature of their categories: ordinal and nominal.

Nominal Variables

Nominal variables represent the most straightforward type of categorical data. These are variables whose categories are purely names or labels; they lack any inherent order or hierarchy. For example, consider the ‘Species’ variable from the birdwatching dataset mentioned earlier. Whether an observation is labeled ‘sparrow,’ ‘eagle,’ or ‘hawk’ imparts no inherent order amongst the categories. We can’t say that a sparrow is “greater than” or “less than” an eagle, for instance. This lack of ordering is what defines nominal variables.

Other examples of nominal variables include colors, zip codes, or types of cuisine. No color is inherently ‘greater’ than another, zip codes don’t convey size or magnitude, and one cuisine isn’t ‘more’ or ‘less’ than another — these are simply categories with no specific order or priority.

Ordinal Variables

On the other hand, ordinal variables represent categories that do have a clear, inherent order or hierarchy. The categories of an ordinal variable can be logically ranked from highest to lowest, or vice versa. However, the exact differences between these ranks may not be quantifiable or evenly spaced.

For instance, let’s revisit our customer survey example. The variable ‘Customer Satisfaction’ with responses like ‘very satisfied,’ ‘satisfied,’ ‘neutral,’ ‘dissatisfied,’ and ‘very dissatisfied’ is an ordinal variable. It’s clear that ‘very satisfied’ is a higher level of satisfaction than ‘satisfied,’ which in turn is higher than ‘neutral,’ and so on. However, the ‘distance’ between ‘very satisfied’ and ‘satisfied’ is not quantifiable or necessarily the same as the distance between ‘satisfied’ and ‘neutral.’

Other examples of ordinal variables could be educational level (from ‘no degree’ to ‘PhD’), size classifications (like ‘small,’ ‘medium,’ ‘large’), or movie ratings (from ‘one star’ to ‘five stars’).

Recognizing whether your categorical variable is nominal or ordinal is crucial. This understanding informs how we handle these variables in our analysis and which transformation techniques are appropriate to use, as we’ll explore in later sections of this article.

Challenges Faced with Categorical Variables in Machine Learning

While categorical variables are rich in information and essential in many data sets, they present a unique set of challenges, especially in the realm of machine learning. Understanding these challenges is key to addressing them properly and ensuring that our predictive models are accurate and robust. Here are the main issues we encounter with categorical variables in machine learning:

1. Numerical Nature of Machine Learning Algorithms

Most machine learning algorithms, from regression models to decision trees to deep learning networks, work fundamentally with numerical data. These algorithms use mathematical operations to learn patterns in the data, make predictions, and calculate errors. Categorical data, in its raw form, isn’t suitable for these operations. This mismatch between the data type and the algorithm requirements is the core challenge we face with categorical variables.

2. Misinterpretation of Category Encoding

If we choose a simple way to numerically encode categories, such as assigning 1 for ‘Category A’, 2 for ‘Category B’, and so on, some algorithms might misinterpret these numbers. For example, a machine learning algorithm could incorrectly assume that ‘Category B’ is twice as significant as ‘Category A’ because 2 is twice 1. This is a misleading representation and could lead to inaccurate model predictions.

3. High Cardinality

High cardinality refers to categorical variables with a large number of unique categories. For example, if you have a ‘City’ variable in a global dataset, there might be thousands of unique cities. Encoding such variables can be complex and create a large, sparse matrix that is computationally expensive for the machine learning algorithm to process.

4. Dealing with Unseen Categories

When we build a model on training data and then use it to make predictions on test data, we might encounter categories in the test data that weren’t present in the training data. This scenario creates a problem as the model has no knowledge of this new category and doesn’t know how to handle it.

5. Overfitting with Target Encoding

When using certain encoding methods like target (or mean) encoding, there’s a risk of overfitting. If a category has a small number of occurrences, its target encoded value could be overly influenced by the target variable, causing the model to perform well on the training data but poorly on unseen data.

Importance of Transforming Categorical to Numerical Variables

Before we delve into the specific methods used to convert categorical data into numerical form, it’s essential to understand why this transformation is so important in the first place. At the heart of this issue is the fundamental requirement of most machine learning algorithms: numerical input.

Why Most Machine Learning Algorithms Require Numerical Input

In the universe of machine learning, the cornerstone lies in numerical data. Most algorithms are designed to function on a diet of numbers — they leverage mathematical computations to recognize patterns, adjust parameters, and generate predictions. Machine learning models like linear regression use numerical coefficients for independent variables to decipher relationships. Decision trees rely on numerical conditions for splitting nodes, and algorithms based on distance, such as K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) or Support Vector Machines (SVM), hinge on calculations between data points for their predictions.

Even models capable of digesting categorical data, such as decision trees or random forests, often perform better and more efficiently when fed with numerical data. Algorithms can calculate splitting criteria like Gini impurity or information gain more easily and accurately with numbers. If categorical data is encoded haphazardly — like assigning ‘1’ for ‘red’, ‘2’ for ‘blue’, ‘3’ for ‘green’ — models can draw incorrect conclusions about the ordinality or magnitude of these categories, leading to flawed predictions. Therefore, the translation of categorical data into meaningful numerical values is not just a pre-processing step; it’s a pivotal process that allows machine learning algorithms to fully leverage the value within your data.

The Potential Bias Introduced by Incorrect Handling of Categorical Variables

One of the most significant risks associated with the incorrect handling of categorical variables is the introduction of bias into our machine learning models. Bias refers to a model’s systematic errors or prejudices in its predictions, and it can severely impact the model’s performance and validity. Here’s how improper management of categorical variables can lead to this issue.

1. Misrepresentation of Variable Importance

As previously mentioned, simply assigning arbitrary numbers to categories can lead a model to misconstrue the importance of these categories. For instance, if ‘red’ is 1, ‘blue’ is 2, and ‘green’ is 3, a model might incorrectly infer that ‘green’ is three times as important as ‘red’. This misconception can skew the model’s understanding of the data, leading to bias in its predictions.

2. Overfitting with Rare Categories

If a categorical variable has many unique categories, some categories might have very few occurrences in the dataset. If these rare categories are particularly influential for the target variable, the model might overly adjust to these instances, leading to overfitting. Overfitting means that the model performs very well on the training data but poorly on new, unseen data, which is a form of bias.

3. Discrimination of Unseen Categories

If a model is trained on data with certain categories and then used to predict data with previously unseen categories, it might handle these new categories poorly or even fail to make predictions at all. This bias towards familiar categories can limit the model’s versatility and performance on diverse data.

4. Information Loss in High Cardinality Variables

High cardinality variables, or variables with many unique categories, can pose a significant challenge. Simplistic encoding methods might cause the loss of vital information within these categories, leading to underfitting or bias towards more frequently occurring categories.

5. Leakage in Target Encoding

With target encoding, where categories are replaced by the mean of the target variable, there’s a risk of data leakage. Data leakage is when information from outside the training dataset is used to create the model, leading to overly optimistic performance metrics that don’t hold up in real-world predictions. This issue can introduce a form of bias, where the model is prejudiced towards the patterns seen in the training data.

How Numerical Representation Can Improve Model Performance and Interpretation

Transforming categorical variables into numerical form isn’t just about avoiding pitfalls and biases. It’s also about actively improving the performance of our machine learning models and enhancing our ability to interpret their results. Here’s how:

1. Enhanced Model Performance

When categorical data is correctly transformed into numerical data, it allows machine learning algorithms to effectively process and learn from that data. This capability leads to more accurate models, better generalization to new data, and ultimately improved model performance. From simpler linear regression models to more complex deep learning networks, almost all machine learning models will see enhanced performance when provided with well-encoded numerical data.

2. Robustness to Variety in Data

Properly handled numerical representations can make your model more robust and versatile, capable of handling a wide variety of data. This robustness is particularly valuable when dealing with new, unseen data that may include categories not encountered during model training.

3. More Informative Feature Importance

Many machine learning models provide ways to gauge the importance of different features in making predictions. When categorical variables are appropriately encoded into numerical form, this analysis of feature importance becomes more accurate and informative. Instead of struggling to interpret the impact of a misinterpreted categorical variable, you can gain clear insights into how each variable (and the categories within it) influences your model.

4. Better Model Interpretation

Finally, numerical representations of categorical data can aid in interpreting the model’s behavior and its predictions. By understanding the numerical relationships and patterns that the model has learned, you can make more informed decisions and strategies based on the model’s results.

Techniques to Convert Categorical Variables into Numerical Variables

In the realm of machine learning, numerous techniques have been developed to convert categorical variables into a numerical format that algorithms can effectively work with. Each of these techniques has its advantages and its particular use cases where it shines. Let’s delve into the first of these techniques, known as Label Encoding.

Label Encoding

Label Encoding is a technique of transforming categorical data into a format that can be provided to machine learning algorithms to improve their performance. While the idea is simple — replace the categories of a categorical variable with numerical labels — the implications and subtleties of this method are worth understanding in detail.

How Label Encoding Works

Label Encoding begins by identifying all the unique categories within a categorical variable. Then, each category is assigned a unique integer. For instance, if we have a ‘Color’ variable with the categories ‘Red,’ ‘Blue,’ and ‘Green,’ we might assign ‘Red’ as 1, ‘Blue’ as 2, and ‘Green’ as 3.

There’s no strict rule on how these numerical labels are assigned. One common method is to assign labels based on the alphabetical order of categories, though the labels could also be assigned randomly or based on the order of appearance in the data.

Once these assignments are determined, the categorical values in the dataset are replaced with their corresponding numerical labels. The resulting encoded variable retains the same structure as the original variable — the same number of data points in the same order — but the data is now in numerical format.

Use Cases for Label Encoding

Label Encoding is best suited to ordinal categorical variables, where the categories have a logical order or progression. For example, a ‘Size’ variable with ‘Small,’ ‘Medium,’ and ‘Large’ categories, or an ‘Education Level’ variable with ‘No degree,’ ‘High School,’ ‘Bachelor’s,’ ‘Master’s,’ and ‘PhD’ categories. In these cases, the numerical labels can correctly reflect the inherent ordering among the categories.

Pros and Cons of Label Encoding


  • Simplicity: Label Encoding is a straightforward, easy-to-understand method. It’s simple to implement using many programming languages and data analysis libraries.
  • No Increase in Dimensionality: Label Encoding transforms categorical data without adding new variables or increasing the dataset’s dimensionality, which can be beneficial for computational efficiency.


  • Not Suitable for Nominal Variables: Label Encoding can introduce artificial ordering or importance among categories when applied to nominal variables, potentially leading to poor or biased model performance.
  • Arbitrary Label Assignment: The assignment of labels can be somewhat arbitrary and may not reflect meaningful relationships in the data. For example, the difference between ‘Red’ (1) and ‘Blue’ (2) might not be the same as the difference between ‘Blue’ (2) and ‘Green’ (3), but Label Encoding represents these differences as equal.

Label Encoding with Python’s Scikit-Learn

Python’s Scikit-Learn library provides a straightforward way to implement Label Encoding via the LabelEncoder class. Here's a simple example:

from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
# Instantiate the encoder
le = LabelEncoder()
# Fit the encoder and transform the data
encoded_data = le.fit_transform(['Red', 'Blue', 'Green', 'Red', 'Green'])
# Print the encoded data

This code will output: [1 0 2 1 2]

In conclusion, Label Encoding is a valuable tool for preprocessing categorical data for machine learning, but it should be used wisely and appropriately, with an understanding of its potential limitations.

One-Hot Encoding: A Detailed Look

One-Hot Encoding is another popular technique for converting categorical variables into a form that can be provided to machine learning algorithms. It creates binary (0 or 1) features for each category in the original variable, effectively mapping each category to a vector in a high-dimensional binary space.

How One-Hot Encoding Works

Let’s say we have a ‘Color’ variable with three categories: ‘Red,’ ‘Blue,’ and ‘Green.’ With One-Hot Encoding, we would create three new variables (or ‘features’), one for each category: ‘Is_Red,’ ‘Is_Blue,’ and ‘Is_Green.’ Each of these new features is binary, meaning it takes the value 1 if the original feature was that color and 0 if it was not.

So if we had five data points:


They would be transformed into:

Is_Red  Is_Blue  Is_Green
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0

In this binary space, each category is equidistant from all others, avoiding the introduction of artificial relationships between categories.

Use Cases for One-Hot Encoding

One-Hot Encoding is especially useful for nominal variables, where there’s no inherent order or priority among categories. It’s also used when the number of unique categories is relatively low, to prevent the dimensionality of the dataset from becoming too high.

Pros and Cons of One-Hot Encoding


  • Avoids Misleading Orderings: One-Hot Encoding doesn’t create an artificial ordering among categories. This aspect makes it suitable for nominal categorical variables.
  • Straightforward Interpretation: The binary features created by One-Hot Encoding are simple to understand. Each one clearly represents whether the original feature was equal to a specific category.


  • Increase in Dimensionality: One-Hot Encoding can significantly increase the dimensionality of the dataset, especially for categorical variables with many unique categories. This increase can lead to more complex models and longer training times.
  • Sparse Matrix: With high-cardinality categorical variables, One-Hot Encoding can result in a sparse matrix — a matrix where most of the elements are zero. Sparse data can be more challenging to work with and may require more computational resources.

One-Hot Encoding with Python’s Scikit-Learn

Python’s Scikit-Learn library provides an easy way to implement One-Hot Encoding via the OneHotEncoder class. Here's an example:

from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
# Instantiate the encoder
ohe = OneHotEncoder(sparse=False)

# Fit the encoder and transform the data
encoded_data = ohe.fit_transform([['Red'], ['Blue'], ['Green'], ['Red'], ['Green']])

# Print the encoded data

This code will output:

[[1. 0. 0.]
[0. 1. 0.]
[0. 0. 1.]
[1. 0. 0.]
[0. 0. 1.]]

In conclusion, One-Hot Encoding is a powerful tool for transforming nominal categorical variables into a form that can be utilized effectively by machine learning algorithms. However, it’s important to use it wisely and understand its potential to significantly increase data dimensionality.

Binary Encoding

Binary Encoding is another technique for converting categorical variables into numerical form. This method is particularly useful when dealing with high cardinality categorical variables, where variables have many unique categories.

How Binary Encoding Works

Binary Encoding is a combination of Hashing and Binary. First, the categories of a variable are encoded as ordinal, meaning integers are assigned to categories just like in integer encoding. Then, those integers are converted into binary code, resulting in binary digits or bits.

For example, let’s say we have a ‘Color’ variable with four categories: ‘Red,’ ‘Blue,’ ‘Green,’ and ‘Yellow.’ These categories would first be assigned integer values. Let’s say ‘Red’ is 1, ‘Blue’ is 2, ‘Green’ is 3, and ‘Yellow’ is 4. Then, these integers are converted into binary format:

Red:    1 -> 01
Blue: 2 -> 10
Green: 3 -> 11
Yellow: 4 -> 100

As you can see, the highest number defines the number of digits, and the binary code for each category is equivalent to its assigned integer in binary.

Use Cases for Binary Encoding

Binary Encoding is best used for categorical variables with many categories. It’s a middle ground between One-Hot Encoding (which can drastically increase dimensionality with high-cardinality variables) and Label Encoding (which can introduce arbitrary ordinality). Binary Encoding significantly reduces the dimensionality of the data compared to One-Hot Encoding while preserving more information than Label Encoding.

Pros and Cons of Binary Encoding


  • Reduces Dimensionality: Binary Encoding reduces the dimensionality of the data more effectively than One-Hot Encoding, especially when dealing with high cardinality variables.
  • Preserves Information: Compared to Label Encoding, Binary Encoding retains more information as it does not compress all information into a single column.


  • Binary Format: The binary format is not as straightforward to interpret as the formats resulting from Label Encoding or One-Hot Encoding.
  • Not Suitable for Ordinal Variables: Binary Encoding, like One-Hot Encoding, doesn’t preserve the order of categories. Thus, it’s not ideal for ordinal variables.

Binary Encoding with Python’s Category Encoders

In Python, Binary Encoding can be implemented using the BinaryEncoder class from the category_encoders library:

import category_encoders as ce
# Create the dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({
"Color": ['Red', 'Blue', 'Green', 'Yellow', 'Red', 'Blue']
# Instantiate the encoder
encoder = ce.BinaryEncoder(cols=['Color'])
# Fit and transform the data
df_binary = encoder.fit_transform(df['Color'])

This code will create a new DataFrame where the ‘Color’ column has been transformed into binary format.

In conclusion, Binary Encoding is a useful technique when dealing with high cardinality categorical variables, offering a good balance between information preservation and dimensionality reduction.

Ordinal Encoding

Ordinal Encoding is a technique used to convert the categorical data into a numerical format. As the name suggests, it’s particularly suited to ordinal categorical variables, where the categories have an inherent order or hierarchy.

How Ordinal Encoding Works

In Ordinal Encoding, each unique category value is assigned an integer value. For example, for an ‘Education Level’ variable with categories ‘No degree’, ‘High School’, ‘Bachelor’s’, ‘Master’s’, and ‘PhD’, we could assign ‘No degree’ to 0, ‘High School’ to 1, ‘Bachelor’s’ to 2, ‘Master’s’ to 3, and ‘PhD’ to 4.

The critical aspect of Ordinal Encoding is to respect the inherent ordering of the categories. The integers should be assigned in such a way that the order of the categories is preserved.

Use Cases for Ordinal Encoding

Ordinal Encoding is best suited for ordinal categorical variables, where there’s a logical order or ranking to the categories. Examples include ‘size’ (with categories ‘Small’, ‘Medium’, ‘Large’), ‘education level’, or ‘customer satisfaction’ (with categories ‘Unhappy’, ‘Neutral’, ‘Happy’).

Pros and Cons of Ordinal Encoding


  • Preserves Ordinal Information: Ordinal Encoding preserves the inherent order of categories, which can be valuable information for many machine learning algorithms.
  • Doesn’t Increase Dimensionality: Unlike One-Hot Encoding, Ordinal Encoding doesn’t increase the dimensionality of the dataset, since it encodes the information into the same column.


  • Potential Misinterpretation: Although it maintains the order of categories, Ordinal Encoding doesn’t capture the magnitude of differences between categories. For example, the difference between ‘High School’ and ‘Bachelor’s’ might not be the same as the difference between ‘Master’s’ and ‘PhD’, but Ordinal Encoding represents these differences as equal.
  • Not Suitable for Nominal Variables: If applied to nominal variables, where there’s no inherent order among categories, Ordinal Encoding could lead to misleading results.

Ordinal Encoding with Python’s Scikit-Learn

In Python, the OrdinalEncoder class in the Scikit-Learn library can be used to implement Ordinal Encoding:

from sklearn.preprocessing import OrdinalEncoder
# Create the data
data = [['No degree'], ['High School'], ['Bachelor's'], ['Master's'], ['PhD']]
# Instantiate the encoder
encoder = OrdinalEncoder()
# Fit and transform the data
encoded_data = encoder.fit_transform(data)
# Print the encoded data

This code will output:


In conclusion, Ordinal Encoding is a simple and effective way to transform ordinal categorical variables into numerical format, preserving the valuable ordering information within the categories.

Helmert Encoding

Helmert Encoding, also known as Helmert Contrast Coding, is a technique for transforming categorical variables into numerical form. It’s particularly useful for comparing each level of a categorical variable to the mean of the subsequent levels. It’s a less commonly used encoding method but can provide useful insights for specific types of analysis.

How Helmert Encoding Works

In Helmert Encoding, the mean of the dependent variable for a level is compared with the mean of the dependent variable over all subsequent levels. Therefore, the coding for each category depends on the categories that follow it.

Here is an example of Helmert Encoding applied to a ‘Meal’ variable with three categories: ‘Breakfast’, ‘Lunch’, and ‘Dinner’:

Breakfast: -1 -1
Lunch: 1 -1
Dinner: 0 2

The first coded variable compares ‘Breakfast’ to ‘Lunch’ and ‘Dinner’, and the second coded variable compares ‘Lunch’ to ‘Dinner’. In the first contrast, ‘Breakfast’ is compared to the average of ‘Lunch’ and ‘Dinner’; in the second contrast, ‘Lunch’ is compared to ‘Dinner’.

Use Cases for Helmert Encoding

Helmert Encoding can be particularly useful in certain statistical analyses, such as linear regression or ANOVA, where you’re interested in differences between various levels of a categorical variable compared to the mean of the subsequent levels. It’s less commonly used for typical machine learning models, which often don’t handle this type of encoded variable as effectively.

Pros and Cons of Helmert Encoding


  • Contrast Between Levels: Helmert Encoding offers an effective way to compare the mean of each level of a categorical variable with the mean of the subsequent levels, which can provide interesting insights in some analyses.


  • Less Intuitive: The Helmert Encoded variables can be less intuitive to understand and interpret compared to other types of encodings.
  • Less Common in Machine Learning: Helmert Encoding is less commonly used in machine learning contexts, and many machine learning algorithms might not effectively handle Helmert Encoded variables.

Helmert Encoding with Python’s Category Encoders

Python’s Category Encoders library offers a HelmertEncoder class for implementing Helmert Encoding. Here's a simple example:

import category_encoders as ce
# Create the dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({
"Meal": ['Breakfast', 'Lunch', 'Dinner', 'Breakfast', 'Lunch']
# Instantiate the encoder
encoder = ce.HelmertEncoder(cols=['Meal'])
# Fit and transform the data
df_encoded = encoder.fit_transform(df)

This code will transform the ‘Meal’ column into two new Helmert Encoded columns.

In conclusion, while Helmert Encoding is less commonly used in standard machine learning contexts, it can offer valuable insights in certain types of analyses, particularly where comparing different levels of a categorical variable is of interest.

Frequency Encoding

Frequency Encoding is a technique used to transform categorical variables into numerical form by using the frequency of the categories. It’s particularly useful for nominal categorical variables and for dealing with high cardinality categorical data.

How Frequency Encoding Works

In Frequency Encoding, categories are replaced by their frequencies or counts in the dataset. The frequency of a category is calculated as the number of times that category appears in the dataset. This count can be normalized by dividing by the total number of data points to represent it as a percentage or probability.

For instance, let’s say we have a ‘Color’ variable with five data points: ‘Red’, ‘Blue’, ‘Green’, ‘Blue’, ‘Red’. The frequencies of each color are:

  • ‘Red’: 2/5 = 0.4
  • ‘Blue’: 2/5 = 0.4
  • ‘Green’: 1/5 = 0.2

So, the original data points are replaced by their corresponding frequencies:

  • ‘Red’ -> 0.4
  • ‘Blue’ -> 0.4
  • ‘Green’ -> 0.2

Use Cases for Frequency Encoding

Frequency Encoding is suitable for nominal categorical variables, especially those with high cardinality. For machine learning models that can handle non-binary numerical input directly, Frequency Encoding can be a very effective technique.

Pros and Cons of Frequency Encoding


  • No Increase in Dimensionality: Unlike One-Hot Encoding, Frequency Encoding doesn’t increase the dimensionality of the data, since it encodes the information into the same column.
  • Handles High Cardinality: Frequency Encoding is effective for high cardinality categorical variables, where other encoding methods like One-Hot Encoding might be impractical due to the large number of unique categories.


  • Loss of Category Information: Frequency Encoding replaces categories with their frequency, losing the specific category information. Multiple categories with the same frequency will have the same encoding, which may not be appropriate in all cases.
  • Sensitive to Frequency Distribution: Frequency Encoding is heavily influenced by the frequency distribution of categories. If the frequency distribution is not representative of the category’s meaning, it may mislead the model.

Frequency Encoding with Python

In Python, Frequency Encoding can be implemented using the pandas library:

import pandas as pd
# Create the dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({
"Color": ['Red', 'Blue', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Red']

# Compute the frequency of each category
freq = df['Color'].value_counts(normalize=True)

# Map the frequencies to the dataframe
df['Color_Encoded'] = df['Color'].map(freq)

This code will create a new ‘Color_Encoded’ column with the frequency encoded values.

In conclusion, Frequency Encoding is a simple and efficient method for handling nominal categorical variables, particularly those with many unique categories. However, it should be used wisely, keeping in mind the potential drawbacks.

Mean Encoding

Mean Encoding is a method used to encode categorical variables based on the mean value of the target variable. It’s a way to capture information within the label, therefore is mainly used for supervised learning tasks.

How Mean Encoding Works

In Mean Encoding, each category in the feature variable is replaced with the mean value of the target variable for that category. For example, suppose we’re predicting the price of a car (target variable), and we have a categorical variable ‘Color’. If the average price of red cars is $20,000, then ‘Red’ would be replaced by ‘20000’ in the encoded feature.

Use Cases for Mean Encoding

Mean Encoding can be particularly useful when dealing with high cardinality categorical features, as it does not increase the dimensionality of the dataset. It’s widely used in Kaggle competitions where the winning solution often involves some variant of target encoding for categorical variables.

Pros and Cons of Mean Encoding


  • Does Not Increase Dimensionality: Like Frequency Encoding, Mean Encoding does not increase the dimensionality of the dataset, unlike One-Hot Encoding.
  • Can Capture Complex Patterns: Mean Encoding has a chance of capturing any existing relationship between the categorical variable and the target variable, including non-linear and interaction effects.


  • Risk of Overfitting: Since Mean Encoding is based on the target variable, it can easily lead to overfitting, especially with high cardinality features or when a category has few occurrences. A common practice to avoid overfitting with Mean Encoding is to use a form of regularization, such as adding noise to the encoded values or using cross-validation schemes.
  • Doesn’t Preserve Order: For ordinal variables, Mean Encoding might not preserve the order between categories if it doesn’t exist with respect to the target variable.

Mean Encoding with Python

While there’s no direct function in Scikit-Learn for Mean Encoding, it’s relatively straightforward to implement using pandas in Python:

import pandas as pd
# Create the dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({
"Color": ['Red', 'Blue', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Red'],
"Price": [22000, 18000, 19500, 21000, 23000]
# Compute the mean price for each color
mean = df.groupby('Color')['Price'].mean()
# Map the mean prices to the dataframe
df['Color_Encoded'] = df['Color'].map(mean)

This code will create a new ‘Color_Encoded’ column with the mean encoded values.

In conclusion, Mean Encoding can be a powerful tool for encoding categorical variables, especially in high cardinality cases. However, it requires careful implementation due to the risk of overfitting. It’s essential to use some form of regularization when applying Mean Encoding to your dataset.

Best Practices in Transforming Categorical Variables

Choosing the correct technique to transform your categorical variables into numerical ones is essential. The right encoding method can help your machine learning model understand the data better and generate more accurate predictions. Here, we’ll explore some best practices and considerations to guide you in this choice.

When to Choose Which Technique

1. One-Hot Encoding

This technique is most appropriate when the categorical variable is nominal, and the number of unique categories is low to moderate. It avoids introducing an artificial ordering between categories, but be cautious with high cardinality data as it could lead to high dimensionality.

2. Label Encoding

Choose this method for ordinal variables, where the categories have a natural ordered relationship. However, this method could introduce a misleading conception of magnitude and should be used carefully with non-ordinal (nominal) variables.

3. Ordinal Encoding

Like Label Encoding, this method is best suited for ordinal variables. It allows you to manually assign ordered numeric values to your categories, which can be particularly useful when the ordinality of the categories can’t be determined automatically.

4. Binary Encoding

Binary Encoding is a compromise between One-Hot and Label Encoding, particularly useful when dealing with high cardinality data. It reduces the dimensionality more effectively than One-Hot Encoding but preserves more information than Label Encoding.

5. Helmert Encoding

Choose Helmert Encoding when you’re interested in comparing each level of a categorical variable to the mean of the subsequent levels. It’s less commonly used for machine learning models, which often don’t handle this type of encoded variable as effectively.

6. Frequency Encoding

Frequency Encoding is a good choice when dealing with high cardinality categorical variables. It captures the impact of the presence of a category, but it may not be the best choice when the frequency distribution is not representative of the category’s meaning.

7. Mean Encoding

Use Mean Encoding when the correlation between the category and the target variable is important. This method can capture any relationship between the category and the target variable, even if the relationship is non-linear. However, Mean Encoding can lead to overfitting, especially with small datasets or categories with few occurrences, and should be used with regularization methods.

The most suitable encoding method for your data depends on the nature of your categorical variables and the specific requirements of your machine learning algorithm. Sometimes, trying multiple encoding methods and comparing model performance can be a good approach to identify the most effective method. Keep in mind the potential implications and pitfalls of each method as you make your choice.

Dealing with High Cardinality

High cardinality can be a challenge when encoding categorical variables. Techniques like One-Hot Encoding can lead to a massive increase in dataset size and computational cost. Here are a few strategies to handle high cardinality:

  • Frequency or Mean Encoding: Both methods can be particularly effective as they convert multiple categories into one feature without increasing the dataset’s dimensionality.
  • Binary Encoding: This method is an excellent middle ground as it substantially reduces dimensionality as compared to One-Hot Encoding.
  • Dimension Reduction Techniques: Techniques such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) can be applied after encoding to reduce dimensionality.

Remember to verify that the encoding and dimensionality reduction techniques preserve the essential information in the categorical variable for your predictive modeling task.

Dealing with Rare Categories

Rare categories are those that appear infrequently in the data. Including rare categories in the model can lead to overfitting. Here are some strategies:

  • Grouping: Group small categories into a new category, like ‘Other.’ This approach can help manage rare categories and reduce the chances of overfitting.
  • Frequency Encoding: This technique can help manage rare categories by assigning them a low frequency.
  • Using a Robust Encoding Method: Some encoding methods, like Mean Encoding, need to be regularized to avoid overfitting when dealing with rare categories.

Ensure the treatment of rare categories doesn’t introduce bias into your model.

Checking the Model Performance

The effectiveness of an encoding method can vary based on the machine learning algorithm and the specific dataset. Therefore, it’s essential to:

  • Test Multiple Encoding Methods: Try various encoding methods and compare model performance to choose the most effective one.
  • Cross-validation: Use cross-validation to ensure the robustness of your model against overfitting, especially when using encoding methods like Mean Encoding.
  • Feature Importance Analysis: Analyze the importance of your encoded features in the predictive model. Ensure that the encoding process doesn’t create features that disproportionately influence the model or cause overfitting.

Case Study Examples

Let’s consider a simple real-world dataset, such as the ‘Iris’ dataset available in the seaborn library. This dataset contains measurements for 150 iris flowers from three different species.

The ‘species’ column is a categorical variable that we can convert into a numerical one for use in a machine learning model.

First, let’s load the dataset and examine its structure:

import seaborn as sns
# Load the Iris dataset
iris = sns.load_dataset('iris')

# Display the first five rows

One common approach to converting the ‘species’ column into numerical form is One-Hot Encoding. We can perform this transformation using the pandas get_dummies function:

import pandas as pd
# Perform One-Hot Encoding on the 'species' column
iris_encoded = pd.get_dummies(iris, columns=['species'])

# Display the first five rows of the encoded dataset

The ‘species’ column has been replaced by three new columns: ‘species_setosa’, ‘species_versicolor’, and ‘species_virginica’, which are all in numerical form suitable for a machine learning model.

Demonstration of the impact on model performance before and after transformation

To illustrate the impact of this transformation on model performance, let’s train a simple machine learning model both before and after encoding the ‘species’ column.

Before transformation, we can’t even fit a model because the algorithm doesn’t accept categorical data:

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
# Split the data into features and target
X = iris.drop(columns='species')
y = iris['species']
# Split the data into training and test sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=1)
# Create a logistic regression model
model = LogisticRegression()
# Attempt to train the model, y_train)

If you run this code, you’ll get an error because the logistic regression model can’t handle the categorical ‘species’ column.

Now let’s train the same model but on the encoded dataset:

# Split the encoded data into features and target
X_encoded = iris_encoded.drop(columns=['species_setosa', 'species_versicolor', 'species_virginica'])
y_encoded = iris_encoded[['species_setosa', 'species_versicolor', 'species_virginica']]
# Split the encoded data into training and test sets
X_train_encoded, X_test_encoded, y_train_encoded, y_test_encoded = train_test_split(X_encoded, y_encoded, test_size=0.2, random_state=1)
# Create a logistic regression model
model_encoded = LogisticRegression()
# Train the model on the encoded data, y_train_encoded)
# Make predictions and compute the accuracy
predictions_encoded = model_encoded.predict(X_test_encoded)
accuracy_encoded = accuracy_score(y_test_encoded, predictions_encoded)
print(f'Accuracy: {accuracy_encoded}')

The model successfully trains on the encoded data and outputs an accuracy score, demonstrating the necessity of transforming categorical variables into a numerical form for use in machine learning algorithms.


Categorical variables are prevalent in many data sets and contain valuable information that can enhance our understanding of the data and improve the performance of machine learning models. However, to effectively utilize this information, we must first transform categorical variables into a format that machine learning algorithms can understand — numerical format.

Various encoding techniques, including One-Hot Encoding, Label Encoding, Ordinal Encoding, Binary Encoding, Helmert Encoding, Frequency Encoding, and Mean Encoding, provide different ways to perform this transformation. Each technique has its strengths and weaknesses and is appropriate in different scenarios, depending on factors like the nature of the categorical variable (ordinal or nominal), the number of unique categories (cardinality), the relationship between the categorical variable and the target variable, and the specific requirements of the machine learning algorithm.

Transforming categorical variables into numerical ones not only enables us to use these variables in our machine learning models, but it can also significantly enhance our models’ performance. By correctly choosing and applying an encoding method, we can capture and preserve the information contained in categorical variables, potentially revealing valuable insights about our data and improving our model’s predictive accuracy.

Moreover, understanding the transformation process can also enhance our understanding of the data itself. Different encoding methods can highlight different aspects of the categorical variable’s relationship with the target variable and other features in the dataset. Therefore, the process of transforming categorical variables into numerical ones can also be an essential part of exploratory data analysis and feature engineering.

In conclusion, transforming categorical variables into numerical ones is a crucial aspect of preparing your data for machine learning. By understanding the various encoding techniques available and how to apply them effectively, you can unlock the full potential of your data and create powerful, accurate machine learning models.



Brandon Wohlwend

Mathematician | Data Science, Machine Learning | Java, Software Engineering