How should brands respond to COVID-19? What consumers are saying…

Brandon Andrews
4 min readMar 31, 2020


As the world fights the COVID-19 Pandemic, consumers want brands to support employees, use discretion with discounts and sales, and be transparent.

The past month has brought significant but necessary changes for each of us. Governments, brands from startups to large enterprises, individuals, and families are all navigating the new reality.

At Gauge, we take the pulse of everyday consumers and influencers on a range of topics. We asked a diverse group of Gauge members how they are responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic and how they think brands should respond.

Here’s what they had to say:

Support Employees

The human impact of COVID-19 has been devastating. Care for others is driving consumer concerns.

Gauge COVID-19 Study “What are you most concerned about when it comes to coronavirus?

Consumers want to know that brands care about people too.

82% of respondents chose “Support Paid Leave” as the top action brands should be taking.

Here’s what Gauge Influencers Michael Arceneaux and Kelly Hurst had to say:

I think there is an opportunity for a lot of brands…to show that they are not as heartless and evil as some Presidential Campaigns have made them out to look. This is an opportunity to give paid leave. Use some of that money to actually benefit the workers…offer cash assistance, like…counseling is great, but counseling is not going to fix if you don’t have any money. I think people need money…” — Gauge Influencer Michael Arceneaux (Author of NYTimes Bestseller, I Can’t Date Jesus: Love, Sex, Family, Race, and Other Reasons I’ve Put My Faith in Beyoncé)

Discount with Discretion

Consumers want brands to provide appropriate discounts for necessities. They are turned off by sales that don’t feel relevant. Unfortunately, there’s always an example of what not to do; Corona’s “coming ashore” ad is a searing example.

Being overzealous or insensitive is never a good thing — we launched Gauge with the #NoMoreBadAds Campaign to help brands avoid these mistakes.

Over 90% of respondents want to resume normal activity within a week of restrictions being lifted. 43.3% plan to resume normal activities as soon as restrictions are lifted.

Consumers want to get back to normal as much as brands do. It is important for brands to run digital campaigns, discount and communicate with discretion in the interim.

Here’s what Gauge influencer Zellie Imani and member Jeff Chu had to say:

“Worry more about just policies toward your workers than messaging toward consumers. Unless you’re a supermarket or a drug company, most people aren’t really thinking about what you have to say in a marketing email. But if you treat your employees right, that will send a message louder than any other — and the consumer impression will be deep, without you having said anything in a press release.” — Jeff Chu (Author and Faith Leader)

Be Transparent and Honest

Consumers want brands to be up front about how they are responding; especially about employees and public safety.

This is what Gauge Influencer Branden Harvey and member Joy Sutton had to say:

“I think right now, as everything is swirling around and people don’t know what to expect from one [day] to the next, to have our brands and stuff show solidarity and stability is important.” — Joy Sutton

Support employees, use discretion with discounts and sales, and be transparent.

Click HERE to download the full Gauge COVID-19 Study with broader quantitative insights and deeper qualitative feedback from a diverse group of consumers and influencers. We will continue to provide feedback directly from consumers and influencers; to share your feedback download Gauge.

Reach out to talk about what these insights mean for your business or how to get quick feedback from the right people (



Brandon Andrews

Policy + Entrepreneurship + Entertainment + Fashion /Co-founder — Gauge