Brandon Brown
2 min readJul 30, 2017

The Divine Allignment of Self

Under the proposed order of the wisdom and guidance of the almighty god who's is the only creator of heaven hell earth and every soul entity.

Brandon Zombie Brown entered in the commonwealth realm of the unseen forces that are the core frequency that is the all in one transmuted all negative thoughts feelings emotions beings and energy's into light the bondage of fetters given to man I've cast off because my obtainment of knowledge not known to man given the fact I've searched and found true divine inner knowledge and wisdom and have mastered masonry way beyond the the 33rd degree they say 88 is great but I'm thinking the all seeing eye would have more like a full circle if god has 360 degree presence and were god god is the only creator common man knows not of what this truly means

Under the proposed order of the wisdom and guidance of the almighty god who’s is the only creator of heaven hell earth and every soul entity. So that all who are children of light upon reading this shall awaken a response in there soul so that divine white light from the heavens and pure golden energy of mother earth heal Balance and activate all 7 chakras upon reading so mote it be

Brandon Zombie Brown entered in the commonwealth realm of the unseen forces that are the core frequency that is the all in one transmuted all negative thoughts feelings emotions beings and energy's into light the bondage of fetters given to man I've cast off because my obtainment of knowledge not known to man given the fact I've searched and found true divine inner knowledge and wisdom and have mastered masonry way beyond the the 33rd degree they say 88 is great but I'm thinking the all seeing eye would have more like a full circle if god has 360 degree presence and were god god is the only creator common man knows not of what this truly means