Bran DeGraff
4 min readSep 17, 2017


BC DeGRAFF (09/17/2017)

During the Primary election, The DNC used voter suppression tactics to suppress the votes of Bernie Sanders voters in New York, Arizona and California. When Hillary Clinton received the Nomination, she was ultimately a target for disenfranchised voters who had promised her they would not vote for her. When you have voters who promise not to vote for a candidate on the height that these disenfranchised voters went to, it’s not an easy plan to win back those voters. Hillary lost the election because the American People did not want Hillary Clinton. The Electoral Votes indicated that. After the Election, CNN and Mainstream Media began creating a narrative that the Russians meddled in our elections.

On June 26th 2015, an internal document from a man named Pete Brodnitz Emailed Hillary Clinton’s Consultant Team that would later become one of the various E-Mails leaked by WikiLeaks that revealed an internal Horse-race poll that had been conducted by Topline Results. Their conclusion was that Secretary Clinton’s top vulnerability was the the deal she signed off that gave the Russian Government control of over 20% of America’s uranium production, after investors in the deal donates more than 140 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation. Later that same year, Former President Bill Clinton would make a speech in Moscow and receive $500,000 dollars from a Kremlin owned bank in return. It was noted that this was one of the highest paid speeches of his life.

(Jon Podesta exposed by WikiLeaks)

It was also noted in the e-mail that 53 percent were less likely to support Hillary Clinton after hearing that she sold uranium to Russia. This is what stood in the way of Hillary Clinton taking office and it would become her biggest strategy in the upcoming election that would take place the following year. The Hillary Clinton campaign sought to attack Trump’s biggest strength and came to the conclusion that his biggest strength was his patriotism. They decided to take Hillary Clinton’s biggest vulnerability and use it to destabilize Trump’s constituent base causing the voters to question Trump’s relationship with Vladimir Putin.

In August 2015, the DNC reported that hacking intrusion that took place, but would not allow the FBI to investigate. The DNC would deny such events had ever taken place, making many suspicious of the their activity. The DNC would later hire the firm Good Harbor Risk Management owned by prior cabinet-level security expert Richard Clarke. They would pay the firm $60,000 dollars to detect hacking attempts. Cyber security firm Crowd Strike would later spend 128 hours over a 5 week period from March 2016 to late April of that same year investigating why Bernie Sanders campaign staff were unable to gain access to the files. No Russians were involved and it was later determined that Sanders staffers accessed Hillary Clinton’s voter data for an hour. On June 14th, 2016, The Washington Post would post would begin the blame game, citing Russia as the reason for the for their recent hacking.

“I completely rule out a possibility that the Russian government or the government bodies have been involved in this” -Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin’s spokesman

  • June 14, 2016 The DNC releases a statement claiming they have been hacked. Washington Post
  • June 15, 2016 Crowdstrike (cybersecurity firm) releases reports suggesting the DNC was hacked by Russians Crowdstrike
  • June 15, 2016 Guccifer 2.0 publishes first DNC email documents and claims he has sent them to Wikileaks.Guccifer insists he is not Russian. Guccifer 2.0 blog
  • June 16, 2016 Vice publishes article titled “‘Guccifer 2.0’ Is Likely a Russian Government Attempt to Cover Up Its Own Hack.” Other media outlets follow suit calling Guccifer a Russian government job Vice
  • July 22, 2016 Wikileaks releases the DNC email documents Wikileaks
  • July 27, 2016 Trump “Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing” joke that starts allegations of Russian collusion Politico.

The DNC began to run with the story as the story began to get bigger, while neglecting the contents inside the E-Mails that had been leaked by Guccifer 2.0. Other leakers would leak E-Mails that the DNC would continue to blame Russian Intelligence for their campaign fails with the HRC campaign.

Former President Obama addressed the Russian hacking in the General Election and claimed that out Elections cannot be hacked. It’s down to the Media who continuously claim that Russia and Trump are somehow co-conspirators and yet, another leaker has provided definitive evidence that the Russian Narrative is a media publicity stunt for ratings. Project Veritas would blow the roof off the scandal and shine a light of truth on the lie.

After the Elections, it was Donald Trump who walked away with the Presidency and not Hillary Clinton. The American people chose Donald Trump to be the 45th President of the United States through the Electoral Voters who would show up later to confirm their votes. Among the voters, 7 were faithless and refused to vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. They voted for others and a Native American man who voted for Bernie Sanders, cast his vote for an Eagle. The conclusion is this. Hillary Clinton and the DNC have been making excuses for why they lost and taking advantage of those who fear Donald Trump so much that they believe the lies that the media tells them because it makes them feel safer.

(credit to John Northerner for editing a section)

