Bran DeGraff
7 min readNov 8, 2017


“How the DNC rigged the state where Hillary Clinton only won in one county and in a twist, won every Super Delegate but 1”

I would interview Wisconsin Delegate Rev. John Stanley who would tell me his experiences at the convention:

BC DeGraff: “My first question for you is what were you feeling when you arrived at the Convention?”

Rev. John Stanley: “Hopelful and excited. I felt like we were going to sweep up and win across the board. I didn’t know about all the corruption around at the time. and it wasn’t just the DNC”

BC DeGraff: “How were you treated and how were other Bernie Delegates treated by the DNC and Hillary Delegates as well as the Superdelegates that attended?”

Rev. John Stanley: Like lambs being lead to the slaughter. The first clue should have been all the placards that were on the chairs for HRC, but we were not allowed to bring in banners or signs, but I figured things would get better. I wasn’t totally blind, but I didn’t know HOW orchestrated HRC and the DNC were until the grand opening. I thought we were welcomed, with the little trinkets we got in our DNC delegate bags and our pep talks before hand and the news about all the parties. The delegation parties being held.”

BC DeGraff: “How was your first day at the convention, what do you remember the most?”
Rev. John Stanley: “Nearly passing out. It was nearly over 100+ temp in Philadelphia I had just walked what seemed like a couple miles. The excitement and the rise of my blood pressure with the opening prayer saying “God Bless President Hillary Clinton, didn’t do me any good considering I had been fasting for 19 days for Bernie Sanders.”

BC DeGraff: “You’re a true hero. After that, you just became a bigger hero to me. Charles was right. Who did you vote for in the General?”

Rev. John Stanley: “I voted for Jill Stein, I am no Hero, I just wanted people to bring attention to the fact that there was so much at stake and we were electing someone that wouldn’t just lead our country, but could possibly save us from the rapid decay into a despot system.”

BC DeGraff: “What message did you personally leave the convention with?”

Rev. John Stanley: “I had a very nice woman, very upset, because she was worried about Trump deporting her friends. I told her and CNBC, when I was interviewed. that I would pull the lever for Hillary, but than HRC stood behind Debbie Wasserman, and I knew there was no one who could keep Hillary in check. i left the convention angry at what I saw and heard. Many people tried to shut me up at the convention, but my own DWP chair Martha Lanaing, told people to let me talk and she was more concerned with my health than in the pressure that the DPW and DNC were putting on her to keep me quiet. There is a picture of me screaming , it was in the New York Times. I was Yelling Nevr Hillary and Charles Niswander could hear me nearly half across the arena. even under the white noise machines. I screamed so loud, because they opened the damn convention saying “God bless President Hillary Clinton? I was madder than hell. Wisconsin delegation, I believe waa the only delegation that received an apology from the DNC for the collusion. I believe that was our delegation and our chairwoman’s work.

BC DeGraff I would love to see this apology to put it in my article as well as photos. Your story is good, like they told me.

Rev. John Stanley: Did Charles tell you about Bernie Stand up revolution?

BC DeGraff: “No, tell me about it”

Rev. John Stanley: The Bernie Revolution, was not actually started by Jeff Weaver.We had started it when Bernie first ran. Before he even announced. Charles, Rich Lyons, Caludia Pringes, Betty Elisabeth Frye , Richard Maynard, James Roguski and many others, came together to form our own group. It’s aim was to help Bernie. I had been made a point person (not officially campaign) but a liaison between state grassroots groups for Wisconsin and the campaign, by Andrew Virden and Later Robert Dempsy. Our group tried to use me as prototype for all 50 states. We talked to Phil Fermonte and Jeff Weaver and they put us in touch with Corbin Trent and others. We wanted to TRULY have a GRASS GROUPS led campaign. That’s what majority of Americans want. But they moved people around and every time we got someone to work with, the campaign would shuffle the deck and we had to try and explain the whole concept over again. The campaign was nervous about trusting us and for good reason. They had moles and people who were trying to undermined them. So it was hard to trust anyone, when some of their own people were actually working for HRC. One such man actually was pretty high up. He lied and told our Chair, that Bernie was dropping out a month before the convention. I had contacted every county chair in Wisconsin and asked them to consider supporting HRC. We had 3 county chairs step down (whether I had anything to do with it I don’t know) to work for Bernie. This same guy who was supposedly working for Bernie, asked me for the list and notes and he got them. He was the one I was trying to work with to get Bernie to our Wisconsin Grassroots festival. the 2 years prior to Bernie running,. I was not happy with Jeff Weaver running OWR, not because of anything he did, but I didn’t feel he was quite as grassroots as he should have been. I was Pleased as punch when Nina Turner took it over I also felt at the time, like all the news agencies were waiting for me to croak, I feel like my hunger strike was a rodeo for them. I really wanted to send the American people a message about the need for good leadership. I was inspired and felt obligated to do this after listening to Peter Paul and Mary’s Song “The Great Mandela”.

BC DeGraff “My final question to you is, what would you tell voters after your experience?”

Rev. John Stanley: “That resistance is the beginning of change. We can say that what weyhat it doesn’t matter, but that is a cop out. We don’t need to exit the Democratic party, we need to take it over. In the early 1900’s the republicans had the very same platform that we are fighting for today. Presscot Bush himself (the father of George Bush Senior) came up with planned parenthood. But the rich took over that party. The warning about the Military industrial complex, that Dewight Eisenhower talked about, for example, when unheeded. People talk about third parties. and that would be great, but many are just running away from a problem and are not staying to fight. We need Progressive to Dem-enter and take back the DNC, not to be democrats, but to stand for values and fight for issues. The elite are happy to see us go. They don’t want our involvement. If the green party can get up to the position the Dem and republican parties are in size and power, you think they won’t be capable of becoming corrupt? Will those who ran to the green, party fight against the corruption there? Greens and Democrats MUST work together. I hope for a day when we can have more than one patty, but we need to clean the houses we have now and we need to take a stand. Scott Walker is the (IMO) acting governor of Wisconsin. He said it all when he said “divide and conquer”. We cannot allow people to be fractured to their OWN detriment, any longer. The convention taught me something that JFK once said. (in context of going to the moon” We do these things not because they are easy but because they are hard”. The wrong way is always the easier way. We must stand and fight if we want to be a true democracy again! Bernie did it when he was arrested for fighting against segregation and he stood in picket lines as a senator. We follow Bernie, not because he is Bernie Sanders, but because he chooses to fight and Charles says he (himself is) long winded. but the intricacies and the plots and all the little things that made this convention a nightmare and in some ways a blessing ( meeting other Bernie delegates) is a novel.

My conclusion to this interview was that Rev. John Stanley was a man of great passion and a very strong Delegate. His tenacity and moral roots were unquestionably tested at this convention. The lack of conviction that the DNC had at the Convention would be their downfall and their ultimate unraveling as they traded out their integrity for their corporate overlords and to elect a nominee best suited to line their pockets. They however did not count on the power of the people. Men like Rev. John Stanley, who are rare and come with faith against evil corruption unite within the Democratic Party today to create a Progressive opposition to the elitist Democratic Party within the Democratic Party. “A system that is rigged in favor of the rich”

The rigging of Wisconsin reached fever pitch on a “Morning Joe” segment on MSNBC, where host Joe Scarborough admitted that the “system is so rigged” and asked why Americans even bother voting. David Bowen was the only Super Delegate not to vote Hillary Clinton and vote in favor of the will of the people and the will of the voter.

