Interview with Gregory Charles Litzenberg on Dave Strider and John Carico for Senate

Bran DeGraff
3 min readNov 4, 2017


“Gregory Litzenberg political strategist managing 2 Progressive Candidates tells me about his experience at the DNC and the candidates he’s representing.”

(Gregory Charles Litzenberg)

BC DeGraff: “My first question for you is, how did you feel when you got to the convention?”

Gregory Litzenberg: I was nervous but excited. I had a lot of confidence going in that we could play the political game and convince the party that Sanders was the best candidate. In hindsight I realize it was either naivete or unbridled optimism, but I believed we had enough leverage to cut a deal with the establishment to get Bernie the nomination.

BC DeGraff: “How did it feel when they announced her nomination?”

Gregory Litzenberg: “Have you ever lost a relative? It felt like somebody had died. I kept thinking somehow the dream would be kept alive. I was really just in denial and desperately trying to rationalize the situation. I was outside reporting on the activity outside the event via live-stream.

BC DeGraff: “Tell me about these two candidates you’re representing”

Gregory Litzenberg: “Sure! So they are both running for US Senate. Dave Strider is running in WA and John Carico is running in TN. Both very exciting candidates. Dave is an Marine veteran. They’re both running as independents and John may be the first gender-nonconforming US Senate anywhere in the country… but definitely in TN. John’s platform hinges on direct action and proving the value of his candidacy through creating positive impact during the race. They've been passing out food and supplies for people suffering through homelessness and poverty. Dave’s candidacy is a referendum on Democrat corruption. As a former precinct captain, his choice to exit the democrat party was a huge indication to me that there was some serious fire driving his desire to campaign.”

(“ Jae Em Carico. John prefers to be called Jae.” — Gregory Litzenberg)

BC DeGraff: “Both seem to be proud Progressives in change. What are their Healthcare stances?”

Gregory Litzenberg: “They are both champions for universal healthcare. Dave especially is strong on that issue. His catch phrase is, “Universal Healthcare is as simple as having a social security card,” meaning that medicare for all is as simple as merging the SS data into the medicare system.”

BC DeGraff: “John Carico would make the LGBTQ community very proud. I’ve always said they don’t have enough representation. What stands out the most out of these two? What policy of theirs draws you in to their platform?”

Gregory Litzenberg: “Well, I think what draws me in most about these folks is their passion. They have both affected their communities in positive and far reaching ways. I admire their willingness to put themselves out there and both of them are willing to admit when they’ve been wrong and make different choices based on new information. That’s probably a symptom of one of their best qualities: they are not politicians. Career politicians led us into this mess. Its going to take average Americans with the courage to learn about the reality of the situation we are in. We have to get over partisan bickering and do things that are pragmatic. These candidates really embody the willingness to listen to and work for the American people.”

(Dave Strider and his wife Jidapa Strider)

BC DeGraff: “Did they both back Bernie Sanders?”

Gregory Litzenberg: “Yes, they both supported Bernie. Both worked for the campaign, too. Dave even whipped votes for Bernie at the WA caucus where 73% went for Senator Sanders. Eventually they both voted for Jill. John told me on their ballot they wrote “Black Lives Matter” in for the other offices, on the ol’ red state Tennessee.”

BC DeGraff: “These are definitely Progressives.”

Gregory Litzenberg: “Absolutely, very much so.”

