3 Ways To Make $100,000/Year Easily While Sitting In Your Underwear.

Brandon The Boring Passive Income Guy

I Use To Think $100,000/Year Was Alot
And Now I Feel Like It’s Just The Starting Point.

Before I Get Into The 3 Ways, I’ve Actually Made 6 Figures In 6 Different Professionals, My First Passion Which Was Fitness.

I Had Too Many Clients And Not Enough Time In The Day.
But Unfortunately I Couldn’t Do This In My Underwear, Only Gym Clothes.

Side Note: I Didn’t Really Want To Work In My Underwear, I Just Wanted To Be Able To Be A Stay At Home Dad. ( Our First Child Is Due in A Few Days)

I knew I Couldn’t Be A Trainer All My Life, If I Wanted To Be A Stay At Home Dad So I Bought Real Estate.

Bought 10 Rental Units ( 2x Single Families, 2x 4-Unit Properties)
1 + 1 + 4 + 4 = 10.

Pro Tip: We Go Over How I Invested In Real Estate Remotely in Our Discord Community. >> https://themoneyfriends.com/classroom



Brandon Duff, The Boring Passive Income Dad

My Name Is Brandon Duff And I Own The Website BoringPassiveIncome.com Which Is All About Creating Passive Income And Cashflow Tactics. Feel Free To Reach Out!