A War Between Ancient Lemuria and Atlantis?

Brandon Ellis, Author
4 min readFeb 13, 2024


Deep within the heart of the Hopi oral tradition lies the tale of Kasskara (the Hopi name for Lemuria), a narrative that spans the mists of time. It weaves the spiritual with the terrestrial, the cosmic with the core of human existence. This story, passed down through generations, speaks not just of a place but of a journey of the soul, a statement to the resilience, wisdom, and foresight of the Hopi ancestors.

Kasskara, often whispered in the same breath as the mythical Lemuria, was more than a continent; it was the cradle of Hopi civilization. A land of advanced spiritual and material knowledge. The people of Kasskara lived in harmony with the Earth. They understood the delicate balance of life, a principle deeply ingrained in their culture and spirituality.

The Hopi recount how Kasskara thrived, a beacon of enlightenment amidst the vastness of the primeval waters. It was a society where the spiritual overshadowed the material, where wisdom was the currency of respect, and where the people lived as stewards of the land, not its conquerors.

But as the ages passed, shadows crept into this utopia. The Hopi speak of internal strife, of a society that began to fracture under the weight of its prosperity. Materialism slowly poisoned the spiritual wellspring, leading to discord and a gradual forgetting of the old ways.

Amidst this turmoil, the prophets of Kasskara — those attuned to the whispers of the Earth and the patterns of the stars — foresaw the doom that awaited. They warned of a great cataclysm, a purging of the land that would cleanse the world of its imbalance.

And of a great war that would devastate everything. Not just their land, but many others.

Kasskara and Atlantis were two highly advanced civilizations, each with their unique spiritual and technological advancements. Kasskara, according to Hopi lore, was deeply rooted in spiritual harmony and a profound connection with the Earth. Its people were said to live by principles that honored balance, peace, and the well-being of all life forms. Until they began to slide into the material imbalance of a greedy heart.

Atlantis took a different path long before Kasskara, embracing technological advancement and material power more than anything, which eventually led to moral and ethical decline. The contrast between the still-maintained spiritual philosophy of Kasskara and the materialism of Atlantis set the stage for conflict.

The war between Atlantis and Kasskara, as described in Hopi narratives, used such military might and technology, it had devastating effects on both continents, contributing to their eventual downfalls and disappearance from the physical world. It destabilized both continents, and they fell quickly. Both, under the sea, except some small parts — islands — that are still here today.

During the war, what destroyed both continents? The Hopi aren’t quite sure. Yet, some speculate that a great weapon honed by the Atlanteans caused the devistation. When the beam weapon hit Kasskara, it destabilized most of the landmass. Thus, it sank into the depths of the Pacific Ocean. Atlantis, due to the weapon’s massive power, destabalized their own land as well. Also, creating a similar death to their great continent in the Atlantic Ocean. Shortly after, the oceans rose and floods began to cover much of the Earth. The melting of the Ice Age took on a much faster ascent.

Before the war, the elders and spiritual leaders of Kasskara, heeding the prophets’ omens, began to prepare. They initiated a great migration, a quest for a new home that would be guided by the stars, the same celestial bodies that had watched over Kasskara since time immemorial.

They traversed vast oceans, guided by the wisdom of their elders and the visions of their seers, seeking a land foretold in their prophecies.

They came to the Americas.

In their new homeland, the Hopi ancestors planted the seeds of their civilization anew, carrying with them the lessons learned from the rise and fall of Kasskara. They vowed to maintain the balance between the spiritual and the material, to live in harmony with the Earth, and to preserve the knowledge of their ancestors for future generations.

The story of Kasskara serves as a cornerstone of Hopi spirituality, a reminder of the impermanence of physical existence and the eternal nature of the spiritual journey. It underscores the importance of living in balance, of heeding the warnings of the past, and of the responsibility to protect and nurture the Earth and to be in harmony with the Great Spirit.

Through ceremonies and rituals, the Hopi continue to honor the memory of Kasskara, to draw strength from its legacy, and to teach their children the values that have sustained their people through the ages. The tale of Kasskara is not just history; it is a living narrative, a guiding light for the Hopi people.

For the Hopi, Kasskara is not merely a lost continent consigned to the depths of history; it is a beacon of hope, a reminder that even in the darkest times, there is a path forward, guided by the wisdom of the past and the enduring strength of the human spirit. Through the story of Kasskara, the Hopi teach us that true wisdom lies in understanding our place within the greater tapestry of life, in living with respect for all beings, and in the pursuit of harmony within ourselves and with the world around us.



Brandon Ellis, Author

Brandon Ellis writes Science Fiction books with a twist of ancient aliens, ancient archaeology, and intrigue in almost all of them, in some way or another.