We all know about Pyramids. They were created by the Egyptians, right? Oh, wait…
…let me rephrase that.
They were created by the Egyptians, Mayans, Chinese, Europeans, Japanese, Bahamians, Polynesians, and the list goes on and on. Yes, they were created by just about every culture using similar geometry, comparable dimensions, and identical processes. The pyramids are so unique, that one must wonder if they were created by just one culture traveling the world. If that wasn’t the case, then were cultures from continent to continent given the same exact blueprints?
Nonetheless, the pyramids throughout the world have something else in common that needs to be noted — they were built to withstand the years of time. And, by years, I mean tens of thousands of years. The next questions are how and why was it so important for these pyramids to master the test of time? Not only have they been able to withstand ten thousand plus years of weather, they’ve also withstood the worst earthquakes, major floods, and human neglect.
Theories are rampant. Some theories have stayed claim in our history books for more than a hundred years, but just like theories, they tend to change as time moves on. One thing is for sure, blueprints and ancient writings that explain how the ancients created these megaliths simply do not exist, or, have never been found.
One physicist , author, and researcher — who I have had the pleasure of getting to know these last few weeks, John Shaughnessey — has discovered clear evidence as to what the Pyramids were created for and why. He has spent 30 years researching this topic, writing articles, blog posts, and several books — Pyramid Gravity Force and There is Something About the Moon.
What you’re about to read you’ve never heard before. It’s light years ahead of its time and quite different than what most Egyptologists, Archaeologists, and Historians believe. Some of you will be in awe. Some of you will be extremely skeptical. Some of you will have to sit and think about what you’ve just read for days on end. And, some of you won’t be able to finish this. It’s a lot of information to digest and portions of it may not make sense to you. Regardless, stick with it to the end. The last statement in this interview explains it all.
Welcome, John Shaughnessy.
John Shaughnessy: My work is so far out there. I was contemplating publishing it as fiction, but this medium is much better in my mind to shift the paradigm forward, both venues fiction and nonfiction will work twice as good.
Brandon Ellis: How did you come to study the pyramids? From everything you’ve told me, I’m not aware of too many people that have this much insight.
JS: It was a culmination of many topics I had studied on my own, such as physics — having read hundreds of great works like Einstein’s theory of relativity, Tesla, Newton, just to name a few. I was always a troubleshooter. I grew up poor. My first bike was always broken — the chain would always fall off and no one was around to fix it — so I learned early on to repair everything. I have taken apart everything that I have ever owned at one time or another, especially when I was a teenager. I am very intuitive as a troubleshooter and spent 30 years in the power generation business solving problems for some of the largest companies on Earth, such as, the US Navy, General Electric, General Motors, etc., so when I look at something, I remove all information about it and analyze it without contamination from others.
BE: Are you a full time author and researcher now?
JS: Yes, I’m free from the machine. No more alarm clock. Free to research, write, or whatever comes along.
BE: I want to pull my readers in right away. In that light, I remember you speaking about the pyramids lining up 180 degrees opposite to volcanoes, and on the same latitude. Meaning, where a pyramid sits, on the opposite side of the Earth at 180 degrees is a volcano. Which pyramids are you speaking of? And, which volcanoes?
JS: The 3 biggest pyramid/volcano alignment locations are: Giza and the Hawaiian Kilauea volcano; Shen pyramids and two extinct supra calderas that make up the Bermuda Island; Pyramid of the Sun and Sri Lanka’s Mount Sigiriya volcano. Along with pyramids aligning with volcanoes, mountains align with mountains, and in many cases, mountains act like pyramids when aligned with volcanoes. What’s cool about the Sri Lanka volcano is that there is a giant magma plug that seals it. The plug has the shape of an elongated human skull, along with giant carved stone claws that rival the great Sphinx of Egypt.
BE: How did you come to finding the alignments between pyramids and volcanoes?
JS: I walked into my living room one day and the TV was on. As I was sinking into my recliner, a physicist by the name of Michio Kaku made a profound statement. He said that we still don’t know what these pyramids are for, then the program ended. As I sank deeper into my recliner, I looked at my floor mounted globe. I then had a thought of what might be on the other side of the Giza pyramids. I got up and walked over to the globe. I found Giza, then spun it 180 degrees and found that Hawaii was there. After a few hours of contemplating this alignment, I decided to look at other large pyramids located around the world. They also aligned with volcanic islands. After climbing into the hundreds, I knew the only connection between these alignments between pyramids and volcanoes was gravity.
BE: Gravity?
JS: Pyramids work off of the Moon’s gravitational fields as pyramids are gravitational lenses. They concentrate the gravitational fields in the centerline, which in effect lowers the gravitational field 180 degrees opposed to pyramids, thus allowing magma to rise up, creating a constant erupting volcano. For instance, natural volcanoes build up pressure and blow, destroying everything in their path. On the other hand, volcanoes directly opposite of a pyramid stay open and bleed out magma 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. These are called constant erupting volcanoes. The only one still working today is the Giza plateau pyramids and the Hawaiian hot spot, which feeds the Kilauea volcano. I hope you can understand. Bottom line, this system is set up to prevent tsunamis, earthquakes, large tectonic plate slips and so on. It can even reduce the amount of El Ninos by reducing the flow of magma out of the ring of fire. Bermuda and Sri Lanka are dormant now.
BE: Without these pyramids, earth changes would be more constant?
JS: More violent.
BE: In essence, you’re saying that pyramids were created to help sustain life more easily on Earth. So, just to get this right, building a pyramid the size and gravitational strength as what we have in Giza, China, Europe, and Central and South America, will create a rise of some type on the other side of the earth, 180 degrees opposite of the pyramids? How exactly does that happen?
JS: Basically, the Giza Pyramids, the Shen Pyramids, the Pyramid of the Sun, etc., punched holes through the Pacific plate, the Atlantic plate, and the Indian plate.
BE: When you say it punched holes, what do you mean?
JS: Magma actually cuts a hole right through the Earth’s crust and, for instance, will seed a volcano on the ocean floor. Then, it will grow overtime to where magma spews out of said volcano, building an island above seal level.
BE: And, this is important?
JS: Yes, pyramids actually lower the gravitational fields 180 degrees ASL (approximate same latitude) on the other side of the earth, thus locking in a magma current at that ASL location. It will burn a hole through the Earth’s crust, or as I like to say, punch a hole through the plate to create a hot spot and vent magma pressure out of that hot spot.
BE: This is like a release valve. It makes Earth a less violent place to live via earth changes.
JS: Yes. There are three hundred plus pyramids in Central America. 180 degrees on the other side of those pyramids, on the approximate same latitude, is the largest subduction zone on earth — the Sumatra subduction zone. This large group of Central American pyramids keep the Sumatra subduction zone soft and malleable, thus preventing a build up of energy between the two plates.
BE: Okay, so, where a pyramid is present, it not only pulls up the other side of the Earth at exactly 180 degrees it’s opposite, it also pulls up the side of the Earth where the pyramid sits upon?
JS: All pyramids are higher than the surrounding landscape. I call this observable evidence. The small land mass that makes up central America has the highest number of pyramids per square mile for multiple reasons. One is to keep the thin slice of land in place for the express reason of separating the Atlantic ocean conveyor and the Pacific ocean conveyor. If there was ever a failure of this thin peninsula of land that makes up Central America, the gulf steam that sends warm water up to northern Europe would crash and Europe would descend into an ice age over night.
BE: The pyramids can also slow down an Ice Age?
JS: The normal climate on earth is a 100 thousand years of Ice Age and 13 thousand years Interglacial Age, which we are at the end of. That being said, the ocean rises and falls 500 plus feet because of ice and water redistribution on the plates. The planet actually changes shape from pumpkin, during an Ice Age, to spherical, during a water age. So, Atlantis will rise again in the middle of the Atlantic ocean when the planet returns to a pumpkin shape. As the northern and southern continents get covered in ice, land will become available in the equatorial region. The planet was set up to keep life alive and thriving.
BE: Interesting. With the research I’m conducting, I’ve found that Atlantis fell around 12,000 to 13,000 years ago. At that time, scientists have stated that something shifted and rose the seas 300 ft. With that in mind, I theorize, especially in my upcoming Science Fiction book, that the Pyramids of Giza were built just before or briefly after the fall of Atlantis. However, I could be off, nonetheless, the Sphinx has water wear and erosion that I think indicates the Sphinx to be much, much older than just 12,000 years ago. I don’t see the water erosion on the Pyramids like I do on the Sphinx. With that said, when do you think these pyramids were created and does the Sphinx have anything to do with magma flow?
JS: True about the Sphinx water marks and age being very old, but the pyramids are made of a much more resilient material. Well, that is before they fell into disarray. The middle Giza pyramid, GP2, still has some of its external fascia still visible on the top ¼. Also, these pyramids have been rebuilt over the millennia. Once people get the upload, we will be rebuilding them also. This pyramid system has been in place for 800 thousand years, or around the last magnetic pole swap.
BE: So, are we due for a major Earth Change? A pole swap?
JS: We are still in the big thaw, so once we hit the maximum water percentage, the moon will tilt us back to a lower tilt, which will lower the Sun’s BTU energy on the Earth and we will go into ice building mode, but not sure of the ice water ratio before we tilt to a lower degree. I have located some high water marks left by our ancestors from the previous interglacial period.
BE: Have magnetic pole swaps ever occurred before? And, what about physical pole swaps or tilts?
JS: The last magnetic pole swap occurred 800 thousand years ago. Prior to that, it usually swaps every 500 thousand years. Again, this evidence backs up my theory that the last big geo-engineering project on Earth was when pyramids were built and adjusted land masses around the globe. In particular, the South Pole. Antarctica was shaped like a hexagon by the pyramids in order to create a hexagonal shaped land mass during the time it was free of ice. This in effect prevents magnetic pole swaps by slowing down the subatomic particle flow back to singularity. The subatomic flows to singularity faster in the North Pole, or arctic circle, because there is no land mass under the ice there.
BE: Can you put that in laymen terms?
JS: The way I break the subatomic particle world down, is by comparing the subatomic world on the planet to the all-to famous image of the magnetic flux line surrounding earth (look at the image below) . This image is actually showing the flow of electrons that make up Earth’s magnetic field. They flow out of the earths latitudes. The planet is split in half at the equator, so half the subatomic particle flow starts at the equator and goes north. The other half flows south. That being said, gravitons flow in the exact same direction.
BE: Why is Antarctica hexagonal shaped under its ice?
JS: The Effect of a land mass shaped like a hexagon acts like a lens and increases the density of sub atomic particles into a tight focal point. As long as the moon has been in orbit around the earth, there hasn’t been a physical pole swap.
BE: Are you saying the moon was delivered or created just 800 thousand years ago?
JS: No, there’s two animals you are talking about. One is a physical pole swap, where the planet physically flips upside down, which I’m referring to regarding the moon being in orbit around the Earth. The other is a magnetic pole swap, which occurred 800 thousand years that I was referring to a bit earlier.
Also, as stated in my moon book, the tilt does change based on the ice water ratio percentages on earth. When you hit the glacial maximum in the Ice Age, then the moon’s gravity drag on the ice mass tilts the earth into today’s tilt of 23.5 degrees. We tilt the other extreme in the interglacial period when the Earth hits the water maximum. In this case, the moon’s gravity drag transfers from the ice to the ever increasing ocean bulge. When that occurs, the moon changes the Earth’s tilt back to 11 degrees to usher in an Ice Age.
I hope you’re understand this. Just hang in there.
BE: Hopefully, some of my readers will be able to understand this. In any case, there have been physical pole tilts and we’re heading toward one soon. You’re also saying there hasn’t been a physical pole swap in a long, long time.
Back to Antarctica. Pyramids were built on Antarctica to raise the land in a hexagonal way. Now, 180 degrees opposite and on the approximate same latitude, do we see land rising or magma hot spots near the North Pole because of the Antarctica pyramids?
JS: The Earth’s tilt has been accepted in most physics circles to usher in the Ice Age or Interglacial period. That being said, everyone is lost when it comes to the mechanics that support the physics of how the Earth tilts. Without our moon, pole swaps would happen regularly, just like Mars does today, as Mars does not have a significant size moon like Earth.
And, regarding Antarctica, the answer is no. We see pyramids in Antarctica 180 degrees approximate same latitude from volcanoes in Antarctica. Antarctica is fun, as it all happens on the same continent of Antarctica, 180 degrees approximate same latitude.
BE: During the Ice Age, we’ll all have to move closer to the equator. So, with everything you said, the Pangaea theory can not be correct, as the opposite side of the Earth would not have mountains, volcanoes, or hot spots, unless the majority of Pangaea had mountains and pyramids?
JS: I reject the Pangaea theory, where all the continents were supposed to have been connected or lumped together. If all the continents were lumped together, the planet would be so out of balance the planet would rip itself apart.
BE: Do you have any theories as to how the pyramid’s megalithic inner blocks were lifted and placed on top of each other?
JS: These people weren’t running around in loin cloth and sandals. They had a superior technology than what we have today. Actually, a much, much higher technologically advanced civilization: type three on the Kadasheve scale. They controlled their environment. What’s puzzling is where did they go?
BE: Good question. I think they also used sacred geometry with their building techniques.
JS: Yes, indeed. I think when the truth comes out, the exterior of most of the pyramids were poured using molds. A researcher named Joseph Davidovits wrote a book on the pyramids. He was a materials expert. He did a microscopic study of the material that make up the exterior of the pyramids. His finding are that they are not natural stone and are instead like a polymer. Many substances he could not identify. Eventually, he was run out of town, but his book is still available and this evidence is around the world in places like Peru. I have to travel to these places to investigate more deeply before I make a claim.
BE: Even the limestone blocks were poured? Or, just the outer casing?
JS: Analysis shows that the inner limestone is different than the outer limestone. The inner is natural and has conductive properties, while the outer does not have conductive properties. This explains why it does not wear down over time. I think the inside granite is real.
BE: I think places like Atlantis and Lemuria truly existed. Do you think Atlantis or Lemuria had anything to do with these structures?
JS: Yes, both were global societies. Edgar Cayce did many reading on Atlantis. He is actually the biggest source of information on Atlantis that we have. He said that the Atlanteans marked out the sacred sights where pyramids were to be built, but that might have been eight hundred thousand years ago. Lumeria is in the Pacific and when the ice glaciers come back, the oceans will fall and these places will become inhabited again. It’s a perfectly designed planet built to allow the human mind to experience its full potential.
BE: Edgar also said that the Sphinx points to the Atlantean Hall of Records. He claims that there is also a second Hall of Records underneath the Sphinx’s right paw.
JS: Yes, but there is more than one Sphinx.
BE: Yes, I’ve heard that to be true. On a different note, one of Edgar Cayce’s readings said that the Great Pyramid of Giza was designed and created in 10,490 BC. Is he off on his calculation? Or, did the pyramid builders construct the pyramids in Egypt and 180 degrees opposite, the Hawaiian hot spot formed? Obviously, I’m speculating.
JS: The Hawaiian hot spot was originally opened by a mountain in the Sudan 180 degrees approximate same latitude south of Giza. Over time, pyramids were built north of this mountain — three in Abussur, three in Saqqara, and the Giza plateau pyramids. I think they might have been enlarged at that time. Edgar talks about a pyramid north of Giza that looks like it was blown up. Point being, over time, larger pyramids must be built to keep the Hawaiian hot spot open, or more pyramids must be built. The way this system works is the pyramid creates a hot spot. As we know, the Hawaiian island chain moves three inches a year toward the west. So, at some point, the Hawaiian island will move off of the hot spot. As we speak, there is a new island being created by magma spewing out of the side of the submerged Hawaiian island.
BE: The moon is tied into the pyramids, as well?
JS: Yes, on one side of the planet you have moon high tide and on the opposite side of the planet you have a moonless high tide 180 degrees opposed to the Moon. That is because the Moon pulls the earths static gravitational field toward itself, thus lowering the gravitational field on the opposite side 180 degrees approximate same latitude. Gravity has a self balancing mechanism in it.
BE: Would this occur without the pyramids?
JS: The pyramids are just incidental when it comes to the gravity exchange between the earth and moon. In other words, the high and low tides would still be the same with or without the pyramids. The pyramids do work off of the moons live gravity for the big three reasons: One, to raise underground water tables; Two, to raise the land they are built upon; Three, to control magma current 180 degrees on the opposite side of the earth, approximate same latitude.
BE: The pyramids are a terraforming device?
JS: Pyramids are a partial process of terraforming. You can raise minerals that are trapped below the surface of a planet using pyramids to change or create a desirable atmosphere, along with building land mass and controlling magma, only as long as a live gravity force is available, like our moon’s gravity supplying the earth.
BE: I have heard that the pyramids can act like a giant battery, too. Can you expand on that thought?
JS: Where ever gravity is lensed into a tight focal point, magnetism becomes a secondary form of energy, as both gravitons and electrons bond and repel each other in specific poles. For instance, at the North Pole, gravitons and electrons flow into the axis of the Earth, bonding with each other and separate at the equatorial region. They then flow back to the North Pole. As far as the South Pole, both electrons and gravitons flow into the South Pole axis and repel each other. This slows down the flow and, in effect, prevents the magnetic pole swap from occurring. In addition, like I’ve said before, the land under the ice on the Antarctica continent is shaped like a hexagon, just like Jupiter and Saturn. This is a lens that condenses the sub atomic flow of gravitons and electrons at the South Pole axis to prevent a magnetic pole swap from occurring. So, pyramids can be tapped for electron flow using the moon’s gravitational force to generate electricity or used as a battery.
BE: I’m looking at a topographical view of the great pyramid. From what I’m looking at, it has 8 sides. 4 main sides with an indented line directly in the middle of each main side. Have you observed this?
JS: Yes, they have 8 sides, but built with only 4. You are seeing the bending of space time from the condensing of the gravitational field inside the centerline of the pyramids. It proves my gravity theory with the pyramids, moon, and volcanoes.
BE: What does global warming have to do with this? Is the global warming phenomenon true? I was looking at ice core samples within the last 10,000 years. I found periods where the temperature was much warmer than they are now. I looked at ice core samples dating back 750,000 years and some even farther. I found what you found. It seems that every 100,000 years or so, we have an Ice Age, then 13,000 to 15,000 years, we have a Holocene or Interglacial/Water Age. C02 levels were higher back in some of the Ice Ages, as well. What have you found?
JS: We are in the interglacial period, which is a natural warming condition on earth. Human activity does add to the warming trend. That being said, there is another large seasonal warming and cooling trend called processions — the earths wobble — which changes one degree every 72 years. Now, if our interglacial period happens in the warmer period in the procession cycle, the temperatures will be higher on Earth. If the interglacial period happens during the cooler period of the procession cycle, the temperatures will be cooler on Earth.
Pyramids prevent a large build up on magma pressure from occurring during an Ice Age. One, as ice builds up on the polar caps during an Ice Age, the redistribution of the water weight in the ocean to ice weight on the caps causes the planet to to be crushed into a pumpkin shape. This, in effect, places magma pressure on the large tectonic plates, so having pyramids that punch holes though tectonic plates allows excess magma pressure to bleed out of volcanoes or hot spots created by said pyramids.
The current trend of our planet is still turning from pumpkin shape to a spherical shape. Because of this, we see huge three mile long volcanic fishers or cracks in the earths crust opening up under the Iceland ice sheet spewing magma, not to mention many parts of the earth have had massive holes and giant gaps open up on continents around the world.
There is climate change all the time on earth and humans are having a big effect. You grade a human society based on how long they extend an interglacial period.
BE: Never thought of a human society extending an inter-glacial period.
JS: Previous interglacial human societies have eked out 16,000 years before. I don’t think we will get past 14000 years at the rate we are going. Our grade is a D+, because greed has driven our technological advancement. That greed has suppressed technology that would have gotten us off the oil economy 30 years ago.
BE: Before we finish the interview, let’s recap. One, the pyramids were built to make this planet more livable. Two, they raise the land on the same side they sit upon, and they also raise the land 180 degrees opposite side of the earth, at approximate same latitude, by creating magma flow, and form a volcano. Three, seeing that the pyramids are dotted throughout the world, you come to the conclusion that the pyramids are strategically placed. Four, pyramids and land that are currently under the ocean, will rise again when the next Ice Age occurs. Do I have that correct?
JS: Yes.
BE: So, in essence, this planet has some intelligent design, not just by a higher power, but also by those living on it via the construction of the pyramids. Is that correct?
JS: You got it.
If you stayed with the interview, then congratulations. Thank you very much. It’s a lot to digest. As you know, I like to take you down the rabbit hole. Throughout my life, I’ve researched pyramids, pyramid technology, and ancient cultures, such as Sumer, Mesopotamia, Maya, Rus of Russia, the Druids, Celtics, Native Americans, and the list goes on and on. So, I was very honored to interview John Shaughnessy. He has spent a lot of his life digging for the truth, uncovering mysteries about the pyramids that few have ever tapped.
As the saying goes: “Truth is stranger than fiction.”
Much Love,
Brandon Ellis
To get John’s books, go to:
Pyramid Gravity Force: https://www.amazon.com/Pyramid-Gravity-Force-Earths-Pyramids/dp/1432792342/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1490652665&sr=8-5&keywords=john+shaughnessy
There’s is Something About the Moon: https://www.amazon.com/There-Something-About-Moon-Jondy-ebook/dp/B01NAJQRKA/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1490652665&sr=8-4&keywords=john+shaughnessy
Check out his website: http://www.pyramidgravityforce.com/blog.php
Also, if you like Historical Science Fiction (using mythology, facts, and historical incidences as the basis of a book), then check out one of my free books: https://www.instafreebie.com/free/duqqg
Description: In 1849, British archaeologist, Austin Henry Layard, uncovered over 20,000 clay tablets in the Ancient Sumerian city of Nineveh, in an area now known as Iraq. The tablets told of an ancient race that had come before humans, arriving on Earth long ago and bringing with them untold technologies, and a mass genetic breeding program that the tablets claimed to have brought forth the creation of humankind.
And then these Beings left, taking with them everything they had, except the human race.
The problem is, they took some of us. And, those whom were taken have not returned, and have all but forgotten about their past and that these Beings had ever existed.
These humans are now thriving someplace else…alone.
Or, so they thought.
They are about to be in for a rude awakening.