Break Your Style Rut!

Brandon Glaze
2 min readJun 19, 2015


The world is a very big place and you need to travel a lot in order to experience its diversity and abundance. The same applies to fashion and keeping pace with the trends is what ‘being in vogue’ really means. Unfortunately, deciphering and applying the idea might sound like a puzzle to many who are not aware of the numerous methods of incorporating style and fashion into their lives. Given that falling into a style rut may be inevitable, let’s sight a few elements that may help you in breaking it.

Move Out of Your Past
Would you wear a 30’s cardigan in your 60’s? The answer is never! Therefore, the first step towards breaking your style rut is to avoid wearing clothes that you might have been wearing in your teen — let’s assume you are in your 40’s at the moment. Wearing clothes way beyond your age may work rarely, but not always. Given this, there is no wonder why donning made-to-measure and bespoke suits comes naturally with age. They define your elegancy; assorted colored-suits in your wardrobe can serve your trendy needs throughout the year. Made to measure suits in Los Angeles are not hard to find if you know where to look.

byDCLA — Made to measure suits

Limit Vintage
Breaking your ‘style rut’ firstly requires a deeper understanding. Remember, this may apply even to clothes in fashion. Keep wearing one type of trendy fashion all the time and you have already become a victim of style rut. Precisely, the idea is to keep looking different and not end up with clothes in your wardrobe, which are nothing more than a uniform. Consequently, it is advisable to limit your vintage-wearing, as these clothes are good for theme parties and special occasions mostly.

byDCLA — Men’s custom made suit

Mind T-shirt Slogans
T-shirts with slogans are trendy and look cool. While everyone wants a chic-look, there is a slight difference between presenting yourself as being up-to-the-minute and appearing overconfident. The simplest advice is to pay attention to the messages on the tees, before investing in them.

Dressing up your age is both interesting and fun. At the same, age should never be the reason behind your ho-hum clothes. The key to be interesting is to run parallel with the trend while keeping a note of elements that present you uniquely and perfectly.

