NLP to LLM from Basic Principles: NLPlanet NLP and ML pt.4

Brandon Gomes
2 min readDec 31, 2023


Photo by Nhu Nguyen on Unsplash


I am undertaking a Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning course that uses NLTK and HuggingFace. I have taken notes on their lessons and would like to share them. Although I tried to be in-depth and transformative with my notebook, I strongly encourage following their course as it is detailed and well-formatted.


Course Link:

Welcome to the Course — Practical NLP with Python (

(Section link provided further down)


Fabio Chiusano — Medium

Note Information:

This is a Jupyter Notebook uploaded to my Github as provided in the link further down.

Notes include definitions, examples, and explanations.

Uses Sentence Transformers, Hugging Face Hub, Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-learn, and Plotly.


Section 1.12

Representing Text as Vectors with Word Embeddings

Section Link:

1.12 Representing Texts as Vectors: Word Embeddings — Practical NLP with Python (

Information Covered (All Defined in Notes):

  • Word Embeddings
  • Word Embedding models
  • Context-independent Embedding
  • Context-dependent Embedding
  • Pre-trained Models
  • Finetuning
  • Sentence Embeddings
  • Sentence Transformers
  • Cosine Similarity
  • MTEB
  • Analyzing Similarity
  • Plotly Visualizations
  • Datasets
  • DataFrames
  • Bag of Words vs Embeddings comparison

Note Link:



Brandon Gomes

Entry-level software engineer interning and working toward a Bachelors.