Nazi’s offspring runs for Michigan House of Reps.

Brandon Michael Chew
3 min readJul 20, 2022


(Neil Friske for State Representative)

UPDATE: Neil Friske won the Republican primary election on August 2.

Friske will be up against Democratic candidate Jodi Decker for Michigan’s 107th House Seat on November 8, in a race that he is all but guaranteed to win given the District’s overwhelming amount of conservative voters.

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Neil Friske is running for election to the Michigan House of Representatives to represent the state’s 107th District.

Neil’s father, Richard Friske, was a member of the German Luftwaffe during WWII. Richard Friske also advocated for eugenics while serving in the Michigan House from January 1971 to December 1972.

Richard Friske even donated $1,000 to David Duke in February 1999. David Duke served as the Grand Wizard of the KKK from 1974 to 1980.

In May 1972, Richard Friske gave an interview for a New York Times article entitled “CONTROLS ASKED ON BIRTHS BY POOR,” in which he advocated for eugenics to control the population growth in “America’s slums.”

“The danger today is that educated, propertied Americans will limit their families, while the ignorant, dependent elements will multiply,” Richard Friske said. “Bright young people in college are being persuaded that they shouldn’t have more than two children because of a global population explosion. The birth rate among this element is al ready beginning to decline.”

“But the population growth in America’s slums, where the welfare population resides, is explosive,” Richard Friske said.

Richard Friske continued by saying “[t]hose who live out of the public trough, who subsist on food stamps and welfare checks, are continuing to have big families. They are confident that Uncle Sam will pick up the tab for food, housing, medical care, education and even recreation.”

Richard Wilfried Friske Sr., served in the Michigan House of Representavies from Jan. 1971 — Dec. 1972.

Neil Friske’s website says he is opposed to “critical race theory” and includes a photo of a person holding up a sign that states “We Are 1 RACE” (a statement that would likely be disputed by the candidate’s late father).

“Contrary to popular thought, Critical Race Theory is exclusive, not inclusive,” Neil Friske stated on his site. “It categorizes and labels humanity. It is insular and degrading.”

“It creates a narrative of superiority versus inferiority,” Neil stated. “More, it goes against all that God teaches us. Every man, woman, and child is created and born in His image. To educate young, impressionable minds otherwise, and to thereby sow seeds of discord, is incredibly damaging and erroneous. No matter how it is done, or who it is done for, lifting up one race (or one group of people) as superior will always create chasms of ill-will in society. We must teach our youth about the breadth of all humanity — about the beauty and sanctity of each individual — regardless of their race, their language, their background, or their differences.”

Neil Friske is on the August 2 ballot for the Republican primary.

