“The issue’s complicated,” say teens huddled in closet eluding shooter

Out of the mouths of babes,fresh new insight into a stale topic

3 min readFeb 16, 2018

Parkland, Fl • February 14, 2018

Jacob Renslinger speaks with a measure of resolve well beyond his years: “What people don’t get is: criminals don’t follow laws.” A sophomore at Parkland, Florida’s Stoneman Douglas High for another 30 minutes or so, Jacob’s reflecting on the inevitability of his circumstances.

“If you outlaw something, who’s the only one who gets to have it?” explains Renslinger, demonstrating the confidence his principal will describe as “precocious” when they retire the young J.V. quarterback’s jersey in memoriam some time next month. “It’s sure-as-shit not the law abiding citizens,” he concludes, using the expletive for only the 95th time in his brief life.

As Jacob continues, one of his classmates interjects. “There’s also this thing called the 2nd amendment,” proclaims Martin Pierce, a freshman in his 7th month of puberty. “We have rights… you can’t just take people’s guns because liberals don’t like them,” Pierce argues, his voice cracking in a way he’d hoped would clear-up before his first date in 2 weeks. “Our founding fathers knew that guns don’t kill people, people kill people,” he admonishes precisely 12 minutes…

