Africa: Black & White

Brandon Plain
3 min readJul 2, 2015

An Antidote For Apathy

Part 1 of this Black & White Series

This is my reality, visiting Africa almost killed me. It was more than I expected. Richer than I expected. Poorer than I expected. My mind has become a museum of memories using a muse as a murder weapon. It is if Medusa had the face of the Virgin Mary. I am suspended by her beauty and her sacrifice. She gave birth to everything that saves us, minerals, food, art, nature, a pulse.

“The Corner Store” Kendu Bay, Kenya Copyright: Brandon Plain

These photographs are in black and white as a metaphor of the life and death I encounter when I visit her. The emotional tug of war. She is the antidote to my apathy. I love her eagerly, tenderly, madly…

I have invested in three trips to the continent, and every time it made me want to fashion my own cross to bear, though she needs no savior. She needs respect.

Love is just the kindling for sacrifice.

Often Africa is depicted as the plantation of European ambition, though today it often resembles China’s indentured servant. Neither of those is how I see her. I see her as 5,000 miles of opportunity. A place for those who benefit from her to give something back. I do not expect these few images to embody the fullness of the continent, she is too rich to put in a few photographs.

“Wheel Barrel” Copyright: Brandon Plain

These images are a few from my collection, embodying the lightness and beauty of her people. I am displaying them that they may inspire you to find some way to give back to her.

“As long as you’re by my side” Copyright: Brandon Plain

These particular images are from Kenya and Uganda. All of them are photographs of the gracious people we have had the pleasure of working with.

“Lunch Time” Mpigi Uganda. Copyright: Brandon Plain

We ask that you research ways to visit the continent and find a cause to get involved in. If you would like to get involved with us at Artists for Advocacy International feel free to visit our website and stay tuned with upcoming events and causes.

Poem: A Faint Cry (excerpt)

I heard a faint cry in the wilderness, the music of knock kneed skeletons is so relevant, what song is your life singing? Turn up the volume of your salvation; be the fulfillment of a prayer, someone is quietly waiting. For, you, you, and You –

You are the space between two bent knees, clasped hands and dream. The fervent frequency frequently flowing in the chemical reaction we call Love. So love…

Stay Tuned and Follow me on Medium for Part 2!



Brandon Plain

Founder of AFAINT, which uses various forms of Art to create awareness about world dilemmas