How Planting a Garden Helped Our Family Bond

Brandon Weldy
2 min readMar 27, 2018


Our small garden after one week.

It had been a long weekend which had followed a long week.

Looking forward, we were also heading into another long week.

The feelings of frustration were running high from Mom and Dad all the way down through all four kids.

We attempted vegging out on TV but when there are six varying interests it is often difficult to get everyone on board to just sit and watch the same show.

The idea which saved Sunday

Last Spring we decided to plant a garden.

It was a bonding experience for our family and a whole lot of fun.

From planting, to seeing the sprouts pop through the soil, to replanting in the ground, to seeing blossoms and finally harvesting, it was a joy we all shared.

My wife had been hinting at starting our garden for a few weeks, and after the long eight days we had she suggested it again.

“How about we go and pick up everything we need this evening and then we can beginning planting tonight?”

It was like a breath of fresh air.

And so, the journey began

We were all a buzz with excitement as we went to pick up the seeds, planters, and soil.

We discussed the coming gardening season and which fruits or vegetables we were most excited to plant.

We reminisced about our garden last year, sharing memories of the dreaded groundhog and the moles which attempted to take our spoils.

There was finally a sense of unity between our entire family. Even the twenty month old was feeding off the excitement we all shared.

Unity through shared experiences

In a family of six we do not always see eye to eye, however we can almost always enjoy the time we are spending together actually doing things as a family.

I’m not talking about watching TV or just sitting around in the same house, telling the kids to keep it down.

When we

play a game together,

read together,

go on a hike,

or garden,

there is a sense of togetherness which bonds us.

We are excited for the coming season. Our garden will be bigger than last year and we are ready to all learn together what works and what doesn’t.

Mostly, we are ready to be a family in whatever we are doing.

What do you and your family enjoy doing? What relieves the stresses of everyday life? Go ahead and comment below.

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