Stop Confusing A Lot of Pay With Getting Paid Well

Finding Value in the Right Things

Brandon Weldy
5 min readApr 26, 2018

Last week I submitted my very first post to the Medium Partner Program. I was excited and nervous all at the same time.

I am pretty sure my eyes glazed over a bit and my hands were trembling.

At first I submitted it to the Writing Cooperative but then I realized it had nothing to do with their mission and I corrected my mistake.

Crisis averted.

Anyway, I later discovered the Partner Program keeps track of how your stories are progressing and updates every Wednesday and pays out for those stories on the last Wednesday of every month.

I published just in time for the end of the month!

The glazing on my eyes and trembling in my hands returned while I spent every free moment refreshing my page all day, and it was finally updated to show I had made…

Less than ten dollars.

Don’t let the ellipses fool you, I am elated and let me tell you why.

Small steps are big successes.

I have been writing for a while now, not as long as some here on the world wide web, but still a while, yet I do not recall being paid for my writing.

