Modern retail concept — smart store!
3 min readNov 6, 2019


The trends of the present time are steadily leading us towards the autonomy of everyday actions.

It’s boring for a modern person to make repetitive, non-informative actions. He wants vivid impressions, and everyday life needs to be transferred to clever software and hardware assistants.

Smartwatches, chatbots, personal mobile assistants and many AI-based systems currently being developed with augmented reality confirm this idea.

With the development of BrandProtect platforms, the concept of a smart store loomed more and more clearly.

The hardware and software solutions we have developed have formed an understanding of the needs of modern retail.

We started with a mobile application confirming the originality of the product, then we began work on integrating it with Google Pay and Apple Pay payment services. Creating a payment system with confirmation of the originality of the purchased goods.

The manufacturer of the goods has the ability to track the movement of crypto certificates along with the goods using the Google Map service. Obtaining operational information about the distribution of products.

The buyer has the opportunity to get all the information about the product on his smartphone. Over time, software preference filters controlled by AI will be able to filter products based on this information.

And now a new step — BrandProtect ESL.

What is BrandProtect ESL?

Electronic shelf label system (ESLs) is an electronic display device which can be placed on the shelf and replaced the traditional paper price label, each electronic shelf label is connected to the computer database through a wireless network and displays the latest information on its screen. Automated ESL system helps retailers to reduce labor cost, improve efficiency and customer’s experience.

ESL electronic shelf label system is consists of 3 parts: a base station, E-tag, ESL software ; ESL PDA(optional)and other components(optional)

Implementation of technological solutions BrandProtect of platforms will allow retail stores to offer their customers a new quality of shopping, creating new tools for interacting with customers in and out of the store.

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