The future, as I see it.
3 min readSep 10, 2019


Information protection with the use of cryptography became widespread and in large quantities the used phenomenon.
Sign-code signatures become the ordinary phenomenon, we use them without focusing on it the attention.
The synergy of crypto technologies, DLT, IPFS and mobile applications for smartphones (6 billion users for the end of 2019) will lead to the explosive distribution of sign-code signatures in all spheres of economy. Tokenization of assets and digital goods will add a contribution to this process.
It is time crypto protection of goods.
Crypto protection of goods and medicines will become a trend in online and offline sales. 10 years ago nobody knew about SSL certificates of the websites, and now we do not visit the website without a digital certificate…

The application of digital certificates of goods will attract new clients and will hold existing.
The buyer wants to understand what he pays the money for.
If in the offline shop the buyer can feel, try on goods, estimate its quality, then upon online purchase only the digital certificate confirming the authenticity of goods can help with the choice.
The certificate of BrandProteсt can bear in itself a big array of information, available to the buyer, on goods. Where also who made goods, from what ingredients in what geographical location in what quantity and with what term of use.
The smartphone becomes not only the payment tool but also a control system to go shopping, verification of certificates and qualitative components of goods (materials, ingredients, vendors, geographical data, ecological parameters, etc.)

Integrating into payment service banking systems, interaction modules with the BrandProtect platform we will receive the new system of sales, with unique properties and interactive interaction with the buyer. The smartphone and a virtual assistant will control purchases according to the preferences of the user.
Protection of goods the digital certificate offers huge marketing prospects for the vendor of goods.
Through mobile application not only control of originality of goods is exercised, but also interaction with the final buyer passing a chain of distributors-dealers-shops.
The geolocation allows monitoring movement of goods on a logistic chain, and also its purchase and use by the end-user.
There is possibly a creation of marketing interactions with consumers through the mobile application and social networks using digital certificates.
Logistic robots and bots couriers can also interact with the platform BrandProtect through digital certificates. Control of the moved goods, fixing of location-based parameters on delivery, accounting in logistics systems all this becomes possible thanks to the application of our platform.
The almost unlimited market of buyers in the amount of 7.5 billion people demands new conditions and rules of sales.
The companies the implementing new technologies in the business processes will be able to compete with such monsters as Amazon.
Buyers need to provide qualitatively new services, interactive interaction, and protection.

