Artificial Intelligence Design (AID)

branko lukic
5 min readDec 14, 2017


A new design discipline is born.

by Branko Lukic and Malin Leschly

Humans are on a cusp of the single largest revolution in technology, or call it the next industrial revolution because it is an industry, the industry of AI. Design as a practice is going to evolve rapidly, as fast as the neural networks and AI are.

We are advancing extremely rapidly in perfecting deep learning algorithms. Today we know that a deep neural network learned in only 4 hours how to play chess at a human level yet will never be beaten by a human. We are perfecting a number of things that AI can do for us and at the same time we are compiling a pile of extremely narrow focus functions, all of them disjointed as a whole. It is like we are building an artificial person but we are starting from all parts of the brain at once.

Currently technology is leading the way in the advancement of AI. But just like design made technology human, design will play a critical role in the advancement and adoption of AI.

The next massive role of industrial design and design in general is going to be the creation of an entirely new design practice: AID — Artificial Intelligence Design. When you look into history it is the industrial designers that led the way into making the world a better place for humans. Industrial design being the most complex art of design because it combines human, technologies, tangible object and multi layered functions. It is industrial design that gave birth to the laptop and UI and UX — think of Bill Moggridge and the Matrix computer as the very first portable computer. An industrial designer who gave birth to the Apple Macintosh — Hartmut Esslinger — and gave birth to the UI and UX like we have never sen before existed. The ability of industrial design to tackle complexity and create a experience that has given the birth to many digital and user experience revolutions we now about today.

Artificial Intelligence Design is the entirely new design practice that stands to become the most exciting one in a history of human kind. We need this practice badly, right now, as the rate of AI development is so rapid and it is in many ways a Pandora’s box that needs to be handled with utmost care.

This practice does not exist yet, nor there is a school for it, but luckily industrial designers being non linear thinkers and being able to cross platforms in true depth from sociology, ethnology, material science, ecology, biology, physics, mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, software development, etc etc — they are our best bet and best equipped people on the planet to tackle this complex task to make AI be safe and good for humans. Artificial Intelligence Design will have the role in the newly born AI industry a just like the movie director has a role in making the movie. Artificial Intelligence Designers will lead multidisciplinary teams in creation and design of the era of Artificial Intelligence.


Humans are on a cusp of the single largest revolution in technology, or call it the next industrial revolution because it is an industry, the industry of AI. Design as a practice is going to evolve rapidly, as fast as the neural networks and AI are.

We are advancing rapidly in perfecting deep learning algorithms. Multiple breakthroughs happen daily in AI labs around the world. Today we know that a deep neural network learned in only 4 hours how to play chess at a super human level and will never be beaten by a human. We are perfecting a number of things that AI can do for us. AI will be able to drive cars perfectly within 1–2 years. At the same time we are amassing a pile of narrow focus functions, all of them great by themselves but disjointed as a whole. It seems more like we are building an artificial person but we are starting from all directions of the brain at once.

Currently technology is leading the way in the advancement of AI. But just like design made technology human, design will play a critical role in the advancement and adoption of AI.

Design will play a critical role in creation of an entirely new design discipline: AID — Artificial Intelligence Design. When you look into history of technology and design it is the industrial designers that led the way into making the world a better place for humans. Industrial design being the most complex art of design because of the fact that it combines human, technology, tangible object and multi layered functions. It is industrial design that has given birth to the laptop and UI and UX — think of Bill Moggridge and the Matrix computer as the very first portable (laptop) computer. An industrial designer who gave birth to the Apple Macintosh — Hartmut Esslinger — and gave birth to the UI and UX like we have never seen before existed. The ability of industrial design to tackle complexity and create a experience that has given the birth to many digital and user experience revolutions we now about today.

Artificial Intelligence Design is the entirely new design discipline that stands to become the most exciting one in a history of design, art and technology. We need a discipline like this right now, as the rate of AI development is so rapid and it is in many ways AI presents a Pandora’s box that needs to be handled with utmost care.

This practice does not exist yet, nor there is a school for it, but luckily industrial designers being non linear thinkers and being able to cross platforms in true depth from sociology, ethnology, material science, ecology, biology, physics, mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, software development, etc etc — they are our best bet and best equipped people on the planet to tackle this complex task to make AI be safe and good for humans. Artificial Intelligence Design will have the role in the newly born AI industry a just like the movie director has a role in making the movie. Artificial Intelligence Designers will lead multidisciplinary teams in creation and design of the era of Artificial Intelligence.

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branko lukic

branko is the founder of NONOBJECT, a design studio known for its focus on emotional relevance.