Tessellation in Unity HDRP

Brantlee Mercer
Apr 19, 2022


Objective: Talk about how to use Tessellation and Height Maps in Unity HDRP.

Going off of my last article, I’m going to turn my material from a Pixel Displacement into a Tessellation. This will turn my flat plane into a 3D textured plane.

To start this off I’m going to change the shader from a HDRP/Lit to HDRP/LitTessellation and turn the displacement mode to Tessellation Displacement.

Since I’ve already put a height map in my texture, the same height map is still attached.

You’ll notice that the plane is still flat, we’re going to go in a change some settings to fix this.

The setting I’m going to be playing with to get my desired result is the Min and Max values. I’m going to just drag up the max value to where I get a good raise in the stone textures.

