Focus on a system instead of a goal

2 min readAug 8, 2020


Three months ago, I had big dreams. I wanted to become a millionaire, get in fantastic shape, and finish reading 100 books all before I turn 20 years old. Did I achieve them? No, not a single one.

In this article, I want to share with you guys the biggest mistake I have made when it comes to achieving goals that prevented me from potentially succeeding.

My biggest mistake was that I was too goal-oriented. I focused too much on the results and stats.

The downside of being a goal-oriented person is that the beginning is always tough in almost any field. If you weigh your outcome and results heavier than your system of habits, it is very easy to lose motivation and start slacking off because significant results don’t come within a few weeks.

After becoming a system-oriented person, I started to focus on developing the habits I need to achieve the goal; therefore, I don’t get discouraged easily because my priority is my action, not my goal because I know that if I keep taking action, results will show.

Why you should focus on systems rather than goals

  • Goals are about the results you want to achieve. Systems are about the habits and actions that will lead to those goals. A goal is like the destination for your trip. A system is like a car that will take you to that destination.

Your life is a direct result of your habits. Your net worth is a measure of your financial habits; your physique is a measure of your eating and exercising habits; your knowledge is a measure of your learning habits. You get what you repeatedly do.

“You don’t rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your system.” — James Clear

What I recommend is to start focusing on building habits rather than the outcomes. What worked best for me was that I started focusing on the tasks I needed to complete each day, and only checking my goals every morning and evening; I put more attention into doing rather than the outcome.

By putting most of my attention on my actions, I have been more productive and effective. I stopped checking the stats so often, and I actually enjoy working because that is my measure of accomplishments.

  • Without a system, a goal is just a dream. With a system, a dream becomes a goal.

Starting building a system around your goal, and start focusing on the tasks at hand. The keys are the things you repeatedly do, not the destination.

