20 Best Bollywood Movies to Watch online on Netflix in 2020

Bratati Chakraborty
1 min readJan 22, 2020


Being an Indian and not being a Bollywood movies fan is quite a rare phenomenon to come across! Not many people can boast to be insulated to the movie magic of Bollywood. For, what else can make you laugh as hard as the meme-worthy stellar scenes from a great comedy or make you wish for that undying love for ages than the Swiss Alps captured so beautifully on screen? Be it a suspense-thriller or an emotional family drama with all the Indian family values, Bollywood never fails to entertain you. It manages to make you laugh, cry, love or even think hard about society in general. All this while making you dance to the tunes of peppy beats which it is famous for.

Every Friday we have a string of movies from different genres ready to test themselves in the unknown waters of “audience’s response”. But, not all manage to do make their mark. Here’s a list of 20 Best Bollywood Movie You Need To Watch on Netflix:

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Originally published at https://www.informationidea.com on January 22, 2020.

