Devil Wears PradaThe description of Andy Sachs before she got the job at Runway.Aug 24, 2021Aug 24, 2021
Pleasure Reading #4Embrasure /ɪmˈbɹeʒɚ/ — амбразура Ravine /ɹəˈvin/ — овраг Tilth /tɪlθ/ — пашня Fey /feɪ/ — обреченныйAug 22, 2021Aug 22, 2021
Pleasure Reading #31. Bewildering /bɪˈwɪldɚɪŋ/ — сбивающий с толку 2. To creep up /ˌkɹip ˈəp/ — подкрадываться 3. To outpace /ˈaʊtˌpeɪs/ — опережать 4. To…Aug 22, 2021Aug 22, 2021
Pleasure Reading #21. Eyot /ˈeɪət/ — небольшой остров посреди реки/озера 2. Keen-edged /kin ɛd͡ʒd/ — острый 3. Wearisome /ˈwiɚisəm/ — утомительный 4. Dismal…Aug 22, 2021Aug 22, 2021
Pleasure Reading #11. Rowan /ˈɹouən/ — рябина 2. Carrion /ˈkæɹiən/ — мертвечина 3. Malediction /ˈmæləˌdɪkʃn/ — проклятье, наговор 4. Cairn /kɛɚn/ — гурий…Aug 22, 2021Aug 22, 2021
a story with idiomsMy brother wants to be one of those movers and shakers in this town, that’s why he comes off as a go-getter, but in fact he’s such a…Aug 19, 2021Aug 19, 2021
BeautyThe first video I watched was “What it means to be pretty.” I very much agree with all the things the girls in that video said. They say…Aug 18, 2021Aug 18, 2021
A Letter to MyselfHaving to go through the freshman year for the third time burned me out, I was so enthusiastic when it all started and now I don’t even…Aug 18, 2021Aug 18, 2021
Comma Rules StoryI lived together with my parents, my sister, and my brother. We were a happy, remarkable family. After I’d lived for so many years with my…Aug 18, 2021Aug 18, 2021
My personality typeHiya, hons. I’ve completed the Myer-Briggs Personality Type Test online according to which I have the ISFP type — Introverted Sensing…Aug 18, 2021Aug 18, 2021