How to conduct a risk assessment?

Bravanark Network
2 min readJul 8, 2023


risk assessment

Organizations follow a structured approach recommended by the Health and Safety Executive to manage risks and ensure a safe working environment effectively. This guide outlines a five-step risk assessment process, enabling businesses to identify hazards, evaluate risks, implement controls, and continuously review and reassess their risk management strategies. Let’s delve into each step to understand this essential process thoroughly.

Step 1: Identify Potential Hazards

The first step involves a thorough examination to identify potential hazards. This includes observing workplace conditions, reviewing records of incidents or accidents, consulting employees and experts, and referring to manufacturers’ data sheets. By identifying hazards, organizations can effectively prioritize their risk assessment efforts.

Step 2: Identify Those at Risk

In this step, organizations must identify individuals or groups who may be at risk due to the identified hazards. Factors such as direct or indirect exposure to hazards and vulnerability considerations should be considered. This comprehensive identification helps tailoring control measures to protect those most susceptible to harm.

Step 3: Evaluate Risk Severity and Establish Precautions

The next step involves evaluating the severity of identified risks and establishing appropriate control measures to mitigate them. Organizations must assess the likelihood and potential consequences of each risk. Based on the evaluation, suitable precautions are determined to reduce risks to a reasonably practicable level, ensuring a safe working environment.

Step 4: Implement Controls and Document Findings

Once control measures are determined, they must be implemented effectively. This includes putting in place the identified precautions and monitoring their effectiveness. Organizations should document their risk assessment findings using a dedicated form. The documentation should include details such as identified hazards, affected individuals or groups, implemented control measures, and the date and responsible person for the assessment.

Step 5: Review and Reassess

The final step emphasizes the importance of periodic review and reassessment of the risk evaluation. Regularly reviewing the risk assessment ensures that control measures remain effective and up-to-date. Significant changes in the workplace, accidents, near-misses, or outdated assessments should trigger a reassessment. This ongoing process enables organizations to improve their risk management strategies continuously.


Following the recommended five-step process for conducting a risk assessment empowers organizations to manage risks and create safer work environments proactively. By identifying potential hazards, considering individuals at risk, evaluating risk severity, implementing control measures, and reviewing and reassessing the assessment, organizations can systematically mitigate risks and protect the well-being of their workforce. Embracing this comprehensive approach contributes to a culture of safety and risk awareness, ultimately ensuring the long-term success and sustainability of the organization.



Bravanark Network

Bravanark Network Ltd. is a trusted provider of IOSH training and comprehensive health and safety services.