Difference between git and github

John Strack
2 min readSep 4, 2021


The quick answer is git is a form of version control, and github is a repository hosting service. If you understand that, then you don’t have to read any further. If you want to know more, then read on!

What is git?

Git is a version control system. It helps you track and manage changes you make to your code. Git will keep track of every modification you make to any file in your code base. This way if you discover an error, you can turn back the hands of time, and compare what you currently have to a version of your code that you know was working.

What is github?

Github is a third-party web application that enhances a version control system (git) by hosting repositories in the cloud. That’s fancy speak for it will host your source files for you, and give you access to them from anywhere. If you are working on a project somewhere (and save it on github), then go home and have an a-ha moment, you can log on to github, and write a quick note that will be available for you when you go back to working on the project.

Should you use them?

If you are writing code, and not using some form of version control, then you are doing it wrong. Git is a safety net for when you make the inevitable mistake. It is also fun to go back and see the evolution of the project you are working on.

Github, on the other hand, isn’t as necessary, but it sure makes life easier. It could also be protection, if the computer you are working on should suddenly crash and burn. You will have a backup in the cloud. It also makes collaboration much easier. Anyone you want can look at your code from anywhere in the world, and give you a hand if needed. It is also a nice place to showcase your work.

