50. Budha

Ravi Unni
1 min readMay 27, 2023


50. Budha

Budha, the planet Mercury, one of the nava grahas, the god of intelligence, communication, fine arts, humor and wit, was born to Chandra and Tara. The story of how Chandra abducted Tara, wife of sage Brihaspathi and lived with her for some time and a son was born named Budha is narrated in the story of sage Brihaspathi, However, as per some versions, he is considered as son of Chandra and his wife Rohini, daughter of Daksha.

The story of how king Sudyumna of Chandra vansh (lunar or moon dynasty), once entered Kumaravana, an enchanted forest, and was transformed into a woman, adopting the name Ila and how when Budha saw Ila fell in love and a son was born to them named Pururavas, is narrated in the story of Ila.


Budha is depicted as a benevolent deity with light yellow colored (or green) body, draped into yellow clothes; he is depicted with four hands, three of his hands holding a sword, a shield and a mace, while fourth one gestures dispensing boons. He is represented riding a chariot made of air and fire, drawn by eight wind horses; in some illustrations, he is seen riding a lion.

Worshipping Budha on Wednesday is the effective way to get his blessings.

