I’ll be there for you.
From Apurv Kaushal
Often we feel lost and unable to comprehend where our life will take us. And then a friend turns up, who helps us get out of this phase. This is a letter from one such friend to someone who he cares about.
- Apurv
It is ok. Sometimes, it is perfectly fine to let go . Of things, of people, of expectations. And crawl clumsily into bed watching your favourite episode of FRIENDS. It is ok to not be the Jude and carry the whole world on your shoulder. The very fact that you are vulnerable and you might fail, makes you stronger. It makes you human. Trust me, being human isn’t a limitation. It’s perhaps the greatest gift you can have. I thought I will write to you to inspire you, to motivate you. To tell you stories about legends who made it despite their failures. Legends who live on years after their deaths. But perhaps , you don’t need to hear that. Your definition of a successful life may be about waking up every morning next to your loved one. Then singing loudly in the shower as you prepare to go for work. Returning back exhausted from your boss’s complaints and then hugging your child,as they tell you their school stories. And then fall asleep while reading your favourite writer’s work . And I respect that. After all, success is all about happiness. I write to you to just tell you that no matter how many times you fail, it’s ok. You can lie there down for sometime and cry. You will find me down there too, looking at you considerately. With all my attention. I will wait for you to get up. To tell me to stop staring at you and punch me. And then, slowly burst into your fit of laughter. We will then discuss our favourite scene of FRIENDS. Maybe, plan with intensity how to recover. Or just quit. Whatever it is, I want you to know it is ok. That I will be there. Not to guide you. But to just look at you. To may be sing your favourite song in my rather coarse voice. And that’s when perhaps, we both might just realise what it feels like to be infinite.