How to Find The Best Academy for UCEED?

3 min readJan 4, 2023

The Undergraduate Common Entrance Exam for Design (UCEED) is an entrance examination conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, on behalf of the Ministry of Education, Government of India. It is held annually for admission to the Bachelor of Design (B.Des) program offered by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati, and Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Hyderabad. The exam tests a candidate’s aptitude for design, through visual and spatial ability, environmental and social awareness, analytical and logical reasoning, language, and creativity.

The exam is conducted in online mode and consists of three sections: Part A (Multiple Choice Questions), Part B (Multiple Select Questions), and Part C (Drawing Questions). The exam is held in the month of January and the results are usually announced in the month of March.

Finding the best place for UCEED preparation is not too easy. You have to find the best UCEED Study Material and academy. Here are some tips that can help you find the best academy for UCEED preparation:

  1. Research and compare different academies: Look for academies that have a good reputation and a track record of helping students succeed on the UCEED exam. Look for reviews and ratings online and ask for recommendations from friends or colleagues who have taken UCEED preparation courses.
  2. Consider the teaching style and resources: Look for academies that use a teaching style that is best suited to your learning style. Some academies may offer more interactive and hands-on learning experiences, while others may focus more on traditional lectures and discussions. Additionally, consider the resources and materials that the academy provides, such as study guides, practice tests, and mock exams.
  3. Evaluate the faculty: Look for academies that have experienced and qualified faculty members who can provide personalized coaching and guidance. It’s also a good idea to ask about the faculty-to-student ratio, as this can impact the quality of the instruction you receive.
  4. Consider the location and schedule: Consider the location of the academy and whether it is convenient for you to attend classes. Also, consider the schedule and whether it fits with your other commitments. Some academies may offer flexible schedules or online classes to accommodate students with busy schedules.
  5. Compare costs and payment options: Look for academies that offer competitive pricing and flexible payment options. Be sure to understand the costs associated with the course, including any additional fees or materials that may be required.

Bhanwar Rathore Design Studio (BRDS) is an institute in India that provides preparation courses for design entrance exams such as UCEED, NID, NIFT, IIT-UCEED, IIT-CEED, NATA, and CEPT. BRDS has a reputation for being one of the top institutes for design education, with a high number of student selections in these exams. BRDS was founded in 2005 and currently has 68 centers across India, serving over 5,000 students annually. It is a popular choice for students seeking UCEED Admission 2023.




Bhanwar Rathore Design Studio is a premier Design Institute in India. Founded in 2005, it Today has 68 centers across India. Visit us at