How to prepare for an interior design entrance exam of NID?

3 min readDec 19, 2022

The National Institute of Design (NID) is a prestigious design school in India that offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various design disciplines, including interior design. To be considered for admission to the National Institute of Design (NID), you must pass a three-part entrance exam, which consists of the NID Prelims, NID Mains, and NID Studio Test. It is important to be familiar with each of these phases of the exam and to prepare thoroughly for them in order to increase your chances of being accepted into the NID program.

The National Institute of Design (NID) Studio Test evaluates candidates’ creativity, problem-solving abilities, and visual communication skills. During the test, candidates will be given a problem statement and will be expected to come up with innovative solutions that demonstrate a high level of creativity in addressing the problem. They will also be judged on the quality of their execution and their understanding of the problem. It is important for candidates to present their ideas clearly and effectively through sketches, diagrams, or other visual aids in order to demonstrate their visual communication skills. Overall, the NID Studio Test is a comprehensive assessment of a candidate’s design skills and is an important part of the selection process for NID’s design programs.

If you are planning to apply for NID Admission 2023 in interior design program and want to prepare for the entrance exam, here are some steps you can take:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the exam format and syllabus: Make sure you understand the structure and content of the exam, and what types of questions you can expect. You can find this information on NID’s website or by contacting the admissions office.
  2. Review the relevant subject matter: The exam will likely cover topics such as design principles, visual communication, and aesthetics, as well as general knowledge about the design industry. Review your notes and study materials from any design courses you have taken, or consider taking additional classes to strengthen your knowledge in these areas.
  3. Practice drawing and sketching: Many entrance exams for design programs, including NID, include a practical component that requires you to demonstrate your drawing and sketching skills. Make sure to practice regularly to improve your techniques and speed.
  4. Solve sample questions and mock tests: You can find NID study material 2023 like NID Sample Paper and mock tests online or in study guides to help you get a feel for the types of questions you will encounter on the exam. Solving these NID Sample Paper 2023 will also help you build your problem-solving skills and time management skills, which are important for the exam.
  5. Stay updated on current design trends and industry developments: Being aware of current trends and developments in the design industry will not only help you during the entrance exam, but it will also be useful in your future career as an interior designer. Consider subscribing to design magazines or following industry blogs to stay informed.

It’s important to note that preparing for the NID entrance exam is likely to be a rigorous and challenging process. It will take time, effort, and dedication to succeed, but the rewards of being accepted into a prestigious design program like NID can be well worth it. BRDS is one of the best institute who help many students every year to take NID admission with professional online coaching, study materials, classroom coaching, mock tests and several preparations tips.




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