3 Coffee Grinder Variations To Step Up Your Footwork Game

BreakDance Decoded
3 min readFeb 17, 2016


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You are already in possession of infinite possibilities.

Sometimes you just forget that.

You just keep beating yourself up over and over again, chiding yourself for being stupid, for not being able to come up with original or interesting footwork.

And every time you’ve created something new for yourself…

You brush it aside saying that it’s only a footwork combination filled with basic moves.

That’s not true.

At Breakdance Decoded, my job is to show you and share with you the infinite possibilities of each move.

And that YOU can create your own moves and call them your own. Your original, unique ideas that BELONG to you.

So that when you are stuck, lost and feeling discouraged that you are not the type that can create your own original moves…

Or when you’re about to beat yourself up for being uncreative…

You know that, and remember that every single move that you have ever learnt (no matter how simple) can be transformed into something that is yours.

That every move can be flipped and re-conceptualized. You can even put your signature on your move — hence the term. .

Once again, I am returning back to the fundamentals to show you how you can expand your repertoire with MOVES that YOU already know, and have practiced.

Previously, I have already shown you how you can do so with the ways you can enter and exit the baby freeze.

Today, it is the simplest of steps.

Now, before you move ahead, you need to make sure you are able to do both the coffee grinder and the reverse coffee grinder.

Because if you cannot do the basic coffee grinder (or some call it 1-step or grasscutter)… Then don’t expect to be able to pick up the variations below.

Imagine the most basic version of the step as your foundation level. If that level is weak, the stacked layers above will be shaky at best, and crumble at worst.

That’s why sweeps are important. Don’t believe me? Watch this video to see what Poe One says about it.

Because in this video, I am going to share with you the 3 variations that I use in practice and cyphers, created from the very basic 1-step.

As you’ve seen, I’ve paved 3 paths for you to change up your 1-step. Now, you can think about how you will apply the variations into all other fundamental footwork… And when you develop something else that you’ve not seen before, you make the moves your own.

Let me know:

  1. whether the video was helpful AND,
  2. which of the 3 variations are you going to use in your next sets?



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Originally published at breakdancedecoded.com on February 17, 2016.



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